Kevin Martino, CEO of Dollar Shots Club Making Waves in New Supplement Lifestyle Brand

Currently, we’re developing several new shots in different flavors to be released in the near future. These include new flavors for the aforementioned products, along with new formulations like: A workout blend, an appetite suppressant/ fat burner, a sleep-aid, and a nootropic. Smart nutrients and supplements in a fast, digestible form in a small shot is being designed for a myriad of lifestyles in mind.

While many companies concentrate on energy, we provide the opportunity to give our members the “best shot” at whatever they may face during their day. We see ourselves as more of a one-stop supplement shop that provides something to get the most out of each part of your day in shot-form. All with price, quality, taste, efficiency, and convenience in mind.

I’m particularly excited for our workout blend since now consumers can leave the shaker bottle at home and dart directly from work/school to the gym and get that boost they’re looking for to achieve optimum workout results. Why drink your energy or supplements in 20 ounces if you can have it in less than 2oz?

Q. Where can we get Dollar shot? How does it work? 

A. We are currently available online via our website ( since our launch on April 15, 2016. Our model is similar to that of Dollar Shave Club where consumers can “set it and forget it”. Just join the club on our website, select your favorite package and supplements, and get them delivered to your door every month starting in just a few days. If for whatever reason you are unsatisfied, or you’ll be leaving town for a month, simply pause your subscription or cancel anytime… While we’d hate to see you go, we understand that things change! 

We also just signed with our first corporate client, which will carry our products in all of their locations: Red Fitness Lounge in St Louis ( Jamie Mushlin, Founder & Top National Trainer at RED brought forward many great reasons he is carrying our shot line, one of helping clients cut their addiction to soda and large-can energy drinks, and the other his favor towards the supplements we continue to implement in our product line. Considering Jamie’s extensive knowledge of supplements and the needs of the body, it created a great validation to the very essence and reason we created

While our primary model is subscription, we definitely want to reach as many consumers as possible and others who might be hesitant to purchase online.

Apart from Red Fitness Lounge, we are being approached by several convenience stores, retail outlets, as well as corporate clients to serve our products as a more affordable alternative to coffee or our competitors shots in their break rooms. Many of the sales teams I’ve worked on, or development environments I have been around, have had coffee and energy drinks readily available.Take a few cups off coffee, add the cream and sugar, you have a calorie loaded energy crash of productivity bound to happen in the office. Might as well have Dollar Shots to eliminate the sugar, boost worker productivity and save companies money at the same time! 

Q. What is your prospects biggest or most common problem?

A. People not yet knowing our brand and wanting to compare us to everyone else, when products currently on the market are too expensive, taste terrible, or arrive in quantities too large with only one flavor. And based on a popular Energy Drink Survey completed by Mintel, two-thirds of energy drink consumers are concerned about the negative effects of energy drinks and shots. However, that doesn’t deter them from consuming energy drinks. Our transparency, ingredients, formulation and continued work keeps this very fact top of mind. Dollar Shots Club’s products start at just $1 each per month, come in several flavors and formulas (with more on the way), and taste better than our competitors all while maintaining the same level of effectiveness our consumers have been accustomed to purchasing. And remember, our Meditation Shot is absolutely out of this world, it lives up to its name. Why pay more for bad taste and less benefit? You always have that option, but now, you have Dollar Shots Club to choose from. We love feedback and customer creativity, so feel free to connect with us at anytime.  

Dollar Shots Club’s products start at just $1 each per month, come in several flavors and formulas (with more on the way), and taste better than our competitors all while maintaining the same level of effectiveness our consumers have been accustomed to purchasing. And remember, our Meditation Shot is absolutely out of this world, it lives up to its name.

Why pay more for bad taste and less benefit? You always have that option, but now, you have Dollar Shots Club to choose from. We love feedback and customer creativity, so feel free to connect with us at anytime.

Dollar Shots Club is extremely transparent, all of the ingredients and nutritional facts are listed on their website. The company is currently offering customers their first month free with the promo code “DSCISFORME” 

Tavis Bucklin

Tavis Bucklin is a #1 Best-selling author, and contributing iReporter for CNN covering leaders in Business, Health, and Personal Development.Tavis has been published in ABC, CNN, NBC, FOX and Forbes Magazine among other outlets.