Q: You mentioned a favorite quote of yours “little things done consistently in excellence create a major impact”. How is that philosophy reflected in the company?
A: To know me is to know that phrase and I reinforce the words constantly and ask all of our associates to define how they demonstrate the philosophy for themselves, individually. Partners Trust as a whole is only as strong as the actions of individuals in the trenches each and every day. One sloppy act can undermine so much good work and effort. At Partners Trust, I make it a priority to bang the drum of thoughtful acts and actions that reflect positively upon us all. In a business model that is often defined by “eat what you kill” and “you only get paid when the deal closes”, we make great effort to instill the philosophy that “good people create great results” and I am most proud of our track record to date.
Q: Company culture can play a large role in the success of a company. Can you tell me about the importance of company culture at Partners Trust?
A: We need each other to be successful. Collaboration must trump individual competitiveness if we are to rise above the commonality of this business. From the top down, we must demonstrate that and act with great caring and compassion for our associates that walk into the uncertainties of this business each and every day. Our management, staff and specialized experts such as our PR team are so supportive and caring to make sure that we support our associates so that they actually feel both safe and confident that their environment wants them to win, each and every day. We appreciate the efforts that go into creating a successful real estate transaction and most importantly, we appreciate each other for their individual efforts to make Partners Trust the finest real estate company in the land. This culture has led us to be named among Los Angeles Business Journal’s “Best Places to Work” every year since our inception.
Q: Nick, I understand you have created a Value Conscientious Negotiation leadership series for the associates at Partners Trust and are also, working on a book related to the subject. Can you explain more on this?
A: We are so much more than real estate professionals. We are human beings first with dreams and aspirations far beyond a real estate career. VCN is designed to honor our humanness, to explore our personal definitions of success, as we define it, and then create a road map to realize that success that includes clear intention, proper preparation and then the negotiating techniques that create successful outcomes. Real estate sales are a vehicle to support a balanced and uplifting life. Positive focus and self-belief create a resonance that touches all aspects of our lives. If I can empower our associates to raise up their own consciousness’, then they become far more productive in every aspect of their lives, including real estate. I am convinced that one of the reasons our individual production levels and the quality of the supportive interactions we have with each other is largely founded on the principles and techniques outlined in VCN and why we are thriving in our market.
Q: What changes would you like to see in the future for Partners Trust?
A: We’ve been established since 2009. We’ve grown exponentially to now 8 locations in Los Angeles with 240 associates and a dedicated in-house marketing, PR and creative team. Last year alone, we surpassed 2.15 Billion in sales and targeted to do over 2.5 Billion in 2016. We also have a location in Shanghai. At this point, I want us to double down on the roots that established the company. I say to everyone that I interview to join our company, either as a salesperson or staff that I’m looking for three qualities.
1. Do you have a fire in your belly to win?
2. Will you act with integrity first and foremost?
3. Are you inspired to be with us?
Looking at the Partners Trust landscape, I want to focus on challenging each and every person that wears the PT flag to see if they are still inspired to be with us. If they are, wonderful! If not, have enough faith in what we’re doing to sacrifice a potential short term loss of income from someone who does not feel connected to what we’re doing and invite them to find their inspiration elsewhere. As I mature in my life and this business, I want to be around the inspired ones because they inspire me as much as I have the pleasure and commitment to inspire them. That’s what’s on tap for me right now. From there, sky’s the limit.
Nick Segal is co-founder and CEO of Partners Trust — a discerning and conscientious Los Angeles-based real estate brokerage that has grossed more than $7 Billion in sales since its inception in 2009. A nationally renowned real estate agent and noted speaker, Nick was recently named as one of Variety Magazine’s Los Angeles Real Estate Elite.
With more than 27 years of experience in the real estate business, Nick has earned the trust of a closely protected list of celebrities, business leaders, and many other notable figures. He is fervently committed to raising the bar of professionalism at every touch point of a real estate transaction, a mission he also brings to his position as Chair of the Professional Standards and Ethics Committee for the Beverly Hills/Greater Los Angeles Board of Realtors®. From this organization, he has received two prestigious awards: Realtor of the Year in 2012 and The William May Garland Award in 2013. Nick has also taken his leadership to the national stage, speaking on the topics of luxury real estate, entrepreneurship, and business management at real estate conferences around the United States. Nick is regularly quoted in top tier publications, including Los Angeles Times, Wall Street Journal, Los Angeles Business Journal and Huffington Post.