Rich Martin – Co-Founder of Paper Tiger Document Solutions Dispels the Misconceptions of Document Shredding and Destruction

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Markus: Exactly. And I know talking with some of your employees, they really like working at Paper Tiger. You really create a very dynamic, fun and supportive environment for them.

Rich: Right.

Markus: That’s great. So what would be the best advice you could give our readers who might be considering using a service to shred their documents. Maybe they’ve never ever done document shredding. Or possibly they’re thinking about document storage but they’re not sure how to go about doing that, what would be your advice to them?

Rich: I think the most important thing is for them to just call or e-mail us and we’ll take care of whatever project they’ve got going on. It’s going to be a lot easier than they think and we’ll walk them through every step of the process and make it as easy as possible for them.  It’s not as daunting of a task as they think.

Markus: Excellent! So how can the readers find out more about Paper Tiger Document Solutions?

Rich: Just give us a call at (847) 599-9700, you can visit our website at or they can e-mail me directly. My partner John and I are always available whether on the phone, email or through the website. We pride ourselves on being an owner-operated business. My email is

Markus: Fantastic! That’s awesome Martin. I really appreciate you taking the time today. You’ve shared a lot of golden nuggets with the readers and I’m really excited that you’ve enlightened us to the world of paper shredding. Thanks for sitting down with me today.

Rich: Thanks for having me. I appreciate your time and all the good information we’ve gotten out there for the readers.

Markus: Absolutely. You’re very welcome!  

About Paper Tiger Document Solutions
Paper Tiger Document Solutions offers comprehensive document management solutions for businesses large and small. They can handle all of your document storage and document shredding/destruction needs – providing you with very competitive pricing, industry-leading service, instant access to, and control of, your data. And, they provide 100 percent peace of mind as a NAID AAA Certified company.

You can reach them at:

Paper Tiger Document Solutions
1101 N. Estes Ave
Gurnee, IL 60031
(847) 599-9700

or visit them at

Markus Loving

#1 Best Selling Author, National Speaker. Markus Loving is long a time entrepreneur and a host on Business Innovators Radio Show and contributing reporter for Business Innovators Magazine and Small Business Trendsetters where he covers leaders and trendsetters in Business.

As the founder of, over the last 10 years, Markus has been empowering business owners across the country to Dominate Their Market Online.with Reputation Marketing, Local Search, and Authority Presence Marketing. Markus gets great joy in Demystifying the Internet for his clients as he educates them with the most cutting edge and innovative strategies, tools and processes.