Sean McCool Is On A Mission to Make You a Champion in Life

12219534_10153667049259323_255855007452496962_n1.Tell us a little about yourself. Background, accomplishments and something no one knows about you.

I’m a college dropout, Army veteran, former handyman, an award winning copywriter and Founder of Rise Up Champion whose mission is to engage, equip and empower small business owners to rise up and be the champion they were created to be in every area of life.

2. How did you get started in your business?

After struggling in life to “figure it all out” I finally broke through after being down to my last $26. I got it. I got that no one else is going to be the champion of my life. No one was coming to save me. If I wanted to live like a champion, I had to start trusting, behaving and giving like a Champion in every area of my life. That day I was down to that last $26, I took control of my life. I started a business, then another two years later. Rise Up Champion is my third business and I’m using it to engage, equip and empower others to trust more deeply, behave more boldly and give more generously.

3. Who is your target client? 

40-50 year old small business owners with 10 or fewer employees, including solo entrepreneurs, who have a Biblical world view and want more for their life and are willing to Rise Up and be all they were created to be in every area of life – fitness, identity, relationships and enterprises.

4. What is the solution you provide to their problem?

My solution is three fold: One, I engage with them around possibilities they’ve likely never experienced before. Powerful, life altering possibilities that forever changes how they see the world and more importantly how they see themselves. The result: my clients learn to trust themselves at a deeper level than ever before. Two, I equip them with skills and tools to move them forward in all 4 key areas of life – fitness, identity, relationships and enterprises. The result: they begin to behave with a new boldness. Three, I empower them through group and one on one coaching to take consistent action towards creating their unique version of The Champions Life™. The result: clients begin to give generously of themselves in every area of life – holding nothing back because they know the power of giving (and therefore living) in the moment.

5. What is one thing that your potential clients need know about regarding choosing your service?

It’s not for people who are ok with lying to themselves, playing at half speed, or blaming anyone or anything for the current status of their life. If they are not ready to rise up and be all they were created to be, then I’m not the guy to hold their hand and make them feel good or listen to their stories. As Jim Rohn used to say, “Work on your job and you’ll make a living; work on yourself and make a fortune.” At Rise Up Champion, we don’t just work on ourselves… we live into the champions we were created to be.

6. Give us an example of a client success story

C.D. was freelancer working in the same industry for 20 years. He had a nice stable income but never really broke through. He was stuck at about $80k per year and working far too many hours for that money. His personal life was suffering and he felt frustrated. However, he took full responsibility for where he was in every area of his life. After working together, C.D. was able to decrease his number of projects and triple his fees. He is now on track to hit $250k with less stress on the job and more time for every other part of his life – all in about 180 days.

7. What do you do in your spare time?

I don’t believe in the idea of spare time. When our life is integrated, there is no spare time. It’s just our life. There’s not useful time and spare time. It’s always time to be up to being a Champion. Champions may not be training, but they still live as a Champion. It’s not something you do, it’s who you are. And there is no spare time to be who you are.

8. What is the latest book you read that you would recommend?

ME, Inc by Gene Simmons is an incredible read that I put off for a long time because I wasn’t a KISS fan. That book is about so much more than KISS. It’s absolutely about who you are being and how you are showing up in life around the world of business. It’s blunt and very useful.

9. How can anyone interested in more information contact you?

My email is My website is And see all my social media accounts in one place at:

Tim Davis

Tim Davis is a Best Selling Author, Seminar Speaker and National Business Coach who interviews and covers Innovators in the world of Real Estate and Mortgage Lending