Crystal Fields is Empowering Small Business Leaders to Live the Life They Were Designed to Have

crystalTell us a about yourself: Your background, accomplishments and something no one knows about you

I first received my Real Estate License in January 1992. Over the years I have done many aspects of real estate: resale, new homes, commercial, corporate & auction. Being active in my Local and State Boards are important to me. I’ve served on many committees and I am a Former Director for Missouri Association of Realtors.

Something many people don’t know… I’ve been to Chef School & had a Personal Chef Service.

How did you get started in your business?

No matter what I was doing or which company I was with… agents would always come to me for help. One time, my office was across from the broker. He had a glass fishbowl office. My door would be closed and agents would form a line to talk w me and ask advice. In 2007 I took a DISC training for my company. I fell in love. I was certified to coach. I can’t express the joy I would feel helping people learn about themselves and then see them soar with acceptance! In 2015 I began my journey to Nationally Certified DISC Master Trainer. I will complete this certification early 2017.

Who is your target client?

Any company or group that wants to improve communications and increase sales.

What is the solution you provide to their problem?

I have many classes I can offer. All of them can be tailored to the client. Here is are a few examples:

  • How your personality type affects your leadership style
  • The how and why behind the way you do life
  • Strategies for building better teams
  • Closing More Sales by Understanding your Client
  • Secret insights into how to gain peak performance from team members
  • How to decrease turnover by hiring the right person for the job
  • How to help reduce stress & conflict

What is one thing that your potential clients need know about regarding choosing your service?

Their office will be buzzing for weeks after I leave

Give us an example of a client success story

I lead a networking group. We have 24 members. I began doing Power DISC Coaching sessions with them once/month. When we started, 2 earned $100k. 15 months later… 12 now do! I can’t tell you how many have brought their teams in on Power Coaching day. There are so many stories coming back of people of being able to live the life they know they were created to live.

What do you do in your spare time?

Gourmet cooking, travel, and spending time with family.

What is the latest book you read that you would recommend?

The one book I recommend to every coaching client is The Go Giver by Bob Burg.

How can anyone interested in more information contact you?

My email is


Direct phone 816.522.7914

Tim Davis

Tim Davis is a Best Selling Author, Seminar Speaker and National Business Coach who interviews and covers Innovators in the world of Real Estate and Mortgage Lending