T. Allen Hanes, of “The Authority Syndicate” interviewed Robin Dahms of “Events Of Significance”

Robin Dahms graduated from the University of Houston Conrad N. Hilton graduating 10th in her class with a Bachelor of Science in Hotel & Restaurant Management and has over 3 decades of Corporate Event Management experience.  She continues to study with top coaches and trainers to hone her skills and challenge herself. Robin lives in Clear Lake, TX with her husband and two boys. She is an active member of her church and enjoys quality time spent with her family, as well as yoga, spinning, and fitness. In both personal and professional life, Robin values authentic relationships and solid leadership. Robin looks forward to connecting with and helping like minded professionals gain a competitive edge.

Tracy – What was your entry point to Entrepreneurialism?

Robin – I started a company called Restaurant Consulting Group (RCG) in 2000. It was a consulting firm that would come into your restaurant, watch your staff, review your inventory procedures, training procedures, and financial books. We would make recommendations on how to minimize expenses, minimize employee turnover, maximize profits and increase efficiency, and stay up to date with current health regulations and employee certification requirements.

Tracy – Think about a time or event when you caught the bug and tell one short story or two as examples?

Robin – I worked for Pappas Restaurant for 10 years becoming Assistant General Manager of two different locations. When I would go into restaurants, I was disappointed that the training of the servers and bartenders was subpar. They had so much potential to earn higher revenues for the restaurant and themselves, but they were not getting the proper training they needed to empower them to be their best. I knew the market was ripe for higher profits and I knew how to achieve that.

Tracy – Tell the story of your rise from green entrepreneur to where you are now?

Robin – I quit the RCG when the economy tanked in 2008 when most small-medium restaurants could barely hold their own and most went out of business. It was no longer a lucrative business.

Tracy – What was the crossover point from “I’m going to be” to “I am” an entrepreneur?

Robin – I started Events of Significance 12/12/12 (yes, 12 is my DIVINE number!) keeping my ‘day job’. I did 4 events the first year working part time. I was laid off from NASA in 12/2013 and I thought, “Well, I already have the business set up – legally, bank accounts. Why don’t I just do this full time?” 110% in or 110% out is how I operate so I knew if I gave 110% and failed then I gave my all and could live with NO REGRETS.

Tracy – What is your current offer and what is your magic?

Robin – My current offer is we ‘generate an audience’ and ‘maximize revenue in all square footage of the room’.

Our magic is a proven process of picking up the PHONE and personally inviting people to our events. Maximizing revenue in all square footage of the room: We secure paid exhibitor tables, paid sponsor tables and back of the room sales by the break rooms, by the ‘water cooler/coffee pot’, etc and we have a team of people that strategically gets your calendar booked for a strategy call with the HOT leads in the two weeks following your event – while they are still hot!

Tracy – What is it you can look a business owner in the eye and say “I can help you” and how did you discover this magic?

Robin – I am blessed with the gifts of talk, authenticity, compassion and relationship. These gifts have allowed me to help other people achieve their dreams, personally and professionally, thus adding value to them. Events of Significance is strategically partnered with other companies that bring value, expertise, credibility, and expert reputation to our clients.

Tracy – What is your prospects biggest or most common problem?

Robin – For Speakers:  Speakers need an audience and they need a positive ROI.

For Business owners: Small to Medium Business owners are often on limited resources, including finances, staff and time and do not possess the industry expertise or negotiation skills needed to create an event within the company budget.

Tracy – What are the 2-3 most common questions your prospects ask?

Robin – The three most common questions asked are:

                1. Can you just do it all for me?
                2. Can you do a little and I do a little?
                3. How much is this going to cost? I’ve never hired a professional event planner.

Tracy – What is the most common “Do It Yourself” solution your prospects might try?

Robin – Events of Significance offers checklists to clients. We also offer limited resources of contacts in different areas of expertise and 30 min-60 min professional consultations to get your thought process started on the needs analysis.

Tracy – Why would working with a professional, like yourself greatly improve their chances for success?

Robin – Our knowledge, partnerships and expertise in this industry coupled with our contract negotiation skills often times pay for our consulting fee three times over saving the customer potentially thousands of dollars.

T. Allen Hanes

#1 Best Selling Author, International Speaker, Radio Host. T. Allen Hanes is long a time entrepreneur and business contributor for Small Business Trendsetters, CNN iReport, Thrive Global and Medium. He is also the founder of The Authority Syndicate Group. Co-Founder of The Crypto business Forum New York. An Educator and Advocate for entrepreneurs and small business owners. He has also traveled the world speaking and educating audiences.