Tools for Success in Social Media Marketing

JanelleToday I am pleased to share with you a recent interview with the founder and CEO of KickFire Marketing, Janelle Page. As an expert marketer, Janelle has been the architect of successful and strategic, laser beam focused marketing campaigns for businesses large and small for over a decade.

Janelle is a highly sought after marketing consultant and popular speaker. She travels around the nation teaching marketing bootcamps to business owners and is regularly featured in industry magazines and the press for her business acumen and marketing expertise.

Tools for Success in Social Media Marketing

Reuben: When it comes to marketing, what would you say is your prospects’ most common problem?
Janelle : When I meet with prospective clients they tend to know what marketing tools they should be using, but they either don’t have the time to do it themselves, or they don’t know how to effectively utilize the tools. But the issue isn’t just a matter of know-how, a lot of it comes down to they don’t really understand the “why” either. Social media is a great example. Every company knows they need to have a presence in social media. They know this because they have heard some guru say so, or they’ve read about it in a business or marketing book, or they know their competition is doing it and they don’t want to be left
behind. What they don’t know is the “why” or the “What’s in it for them?”, and without that the how becomes undirected and unfocused.

Reuben: What are the core issues business owners are having with implementing a social media strategy?
Janelle: In my experience, I’ve seen companies fall under of one of three common scenarios.
1. The business owners hired someone in-house, like a marketing associate, an intern, or even their own kid, to handle their social media with the belief that as long as they’re doing something then it is enough. But it isn’t enough because they lack a defined strategy to govern their postings. So their social media becomes a messy, unfocused smattering of articles and memes that do nothing for the company’s brand or positioning. Or…
2. The business owners are managing the social media themselves. They post sporadically, if at all,
and with no overall game plan or strategy. This scenario is also played out with their other marketing, including their search engine optimization, their pay per click advertising and their e-mail marketing, etc.
3. The business owners still have social media on their list of “things I need to figure out and do”. In all these scenarios the common denominator is that they don’t have the blueprint for an integrated marketing strategy in place, which includes social media. They’re buying tools and then they either let them collect dust on the shelf, figuratively speaking, or they’re trying just trying to make do. It’s like buying build-it-yourself furniture but not have having the plans on how it’s assembled. You see the pretty picture on the box, you see all the random components in the box, but you don’t exactly know how each part fits together to create the finished product. As a marketing strategist, it’s my duty to show them how
to operate the tools, how all the components integrate, and then help them create the finished product.

Reuben: Obviously, no marketing plan is infallible. Describe your process for when a plan isn’t meeting expectations.
Janelle: When a campaign isn’t working, we know when to shut it down instead of throwing more money at a losing effort. We know how to track our marketing efforts so that those delivering the best results get repeated and those that don’t perform, get eliminated. And when thing aren’t working, it usually isn’t the whole plan or campaign. It’s a specific tactic that needs to be reevaluated and adjusted. You don’t throw out a whole house because one tool malfunctions. You replace the tool and keep building the house. We know how to create consistent and compelling copy that converts and how to build dynamic brands. In
short, we know how to help business owners light up their business through effective, customized, well defined marketing campaigns!

About Janelle Page

Janelle Page is the founder and CEO of KickFire Marketing and has been the architect of successful and strategic, laser beam focused marketing campaigns for businesses large and small for over a decade.
Janelle is a highly sought after marketing consultant and popular speaker. She travels nationwide teaching marketing bootcamps to business owners and is regularly featured in industry magazines and the press for her business acumen and marketing expertise. Visit to learn more about how you can use social media marketing to grow your business.

30 years in Real Estate and Mortgage Banking teaches you a lot about what drives people to make the biggest investment of their lives. Using extraordinary depth of knowledge in my field of experience, I am able to help Real Estate and Mortgage businesses market their services with a unique perspective that few can offer.

Having grown my own Real Estate and Mortgage Businesses through direct response online and offline marketing, I can give first hand advice on what works and what doesn't work in this very specialized field.