Jerry Isenhour Pours His Heart Into the Success of Small Business Owners

jerryITell us a little about yourself.

I am a blue collar business coach. My area of practice is blue collar business owners and their team members. For my practice, this is defined as companies who provide home services to consumers. These could be plumbers, HVAC, Carpet Cleaners, Lawn care, Chimney Sweeps and other similar businesses. Prior to this I have owned a specialty retail business, a home service contracting company, and a manufacturing entity.

How did you get started in your business?

In 2009 the world changed. Due to changes in my life I was forced to start over. Being 56 years old at the time it was difficult at best. My start was as a consultant to the hearth, venting and outdoor living industries. However, after the launch, one of the mentors in my life suggested to me that I should become a coach. Taking this advice to heart I started building a coaching practice in 2011. I now have several others on the team. We have certification from such groups as Jeffrey Gitomer, Zig Ziglar and John Maxwell, and even one team member with a Master’s in Education from Harvard.

Who is your target client?

Our target client is the home based service contracting business. This can be either a new business starting out; or, it can be one that has had a business for quite a while that is simply is no longer delivering what the owners feel it should. Our approach is to bring the right team to the table with expertise in all areas of business, including finances, operations, sales, marketing, customer service and technical training.

What is the solution you provide to their problem?

We provide the help of a mentor, or, at times, that of a Big Brother. As coaches our role is to challenge the client. We are there when they need us for whatever reason. We have a large network of experts in all phases of business. Our aim is to provide the needed solutions to help the client grow his business as quickly and efficiently as possible.

What is one thing your potential clients need to know regarding choosing your service?

We have been there and done it. We have our own real life, real business experiences. We have succeeded in life/business and we have failed at times. That means our coaching and training is not hypothetical. It is based on real experience. Because of our own missteps in the past we are in a much stronger position to help our clients avoid the inevitable pitfalls. This, together with our own successes, mean we are able to assure clients we have the tools to help them create a business that matches their own goals and dreams. We would encourage anyone interested in our services to read the numerous testimonials on our web site and social pages.

Give us an example of a client success story

One of our favorite examples is a chimney service company that was, at one time, a competitor of my own chimney service business. This client, who was at a crossroads in his business, listened to and implemented our advice from the outset. Since then, he has grown his company from a small business based in the owner’s back yard, to a growing and expanding company that has genuine market ownership and is growing on schedule according to our predictions. Now, after only a few short years, they operate out of their own commercial building the client owns and rents it to his company. They have also opened a division to manufacture products they once outsourced. The company, almost overnight, has become an example for others in their industry. This is the type of customer success we seek for all our clients.

What do you do in your spare time?

Travel to places of interest and spend time with my best friend, my wife, Sheryl. It is such a pleasure when you have a life you love, a career that is providing you what you desire, and a wonderful woman such as this to travel life’s journey together with.

What is the latest book you read that you would recommend?

I love the John Maxwell book, The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership. All of life’s dreams and goals can be reached if you are a leader of people.

How can anyone interested in more information contact you?

Our website is one, we are also on all major social media pages. And of course email at


Tim Davis

Tim Davis is a Best Selling Author, Seminar Speaker and National Business Coach who interviews and covers Innovators in the world of Real Estate and Mortgage Lending