I remembered when I first had my son, everything became unpredictable. I never expected that life as a new mom can be so challenging that rather than enjoying my moment with my baby, I was merely surviving.
My husband would leave work in the morning and come back around 6 p.m. and I still haven’t brushed my teeth! Often times I neglected my own wellbeing and focused everything that I had on my baby. That negligence would sometimes become my own downfall as I became tired easily and was prone to illness due to a low immune system.
Fast forward a few years, I had two more children and my youngest is only a few months old. Over the years I have learned various principles, strategies, and tips to help me take care of my own health and become a better mom.
I also have my own business where I help female entrepreneurs to share their messages on prestigious platforms around the world. Having three children while running a business takes a whole new health and wellness plan and avoiding burnout.
“Grounding work is essential to keep me feeling strong and connected to mother nature,” Dr. Izdihar Jamil, Ph.D.
One of my health and wellness plans is to have a simple morning routine that I can count on. This would help me to be physically, spiritually, and emotionally ready for the day.
A study conducted by the site, The Sleep Judge with a poll of more than 1,000 people highlights that people with a strict morning routine earned a whopping $12,500 per year than those with a loose or casual morning routine. More info from >>here<<
Here are my seven easy morning routines to help you create a healthy and positive start to your day.
#1- Prayer
I usually start my day with a prayer. I would place my head on the ground, set my intention, and surrendered to the higher power. During this prayer session, I would ask my Creator to help me achieve certain goals and for things to come to me with ease and abundance.
#2- Meditation
Sitting in a quiet space with my eyes closed and just taking a few deep breaths. As best as I can I would try to empty my mind and just focus on my breathing- IN and OUT as it flows through me. Usually after meditation, I would feel a sense of peace, calmness and clarity.
#3- Water
First thing in the morning, before breakfast I would drink a glass of water. It just helps to hydrate me after a few hours of sleep. I tend to drink 6-8 glasses of water everyday to help nurture my body in keeping my mind sharp and remove unnecessary toxins.
#4- Supplement
I know it’s not always possible to eat healthy every day. Due to a hectic schedule, I would usually rely upon 1-2 supplements that can help boost my energy and immune system. If you’re not a big fan of supplements, you can try juicing or eating some fruits in the morning.
#5- Grounding work
Grounding work is essential to keep me feeling strong and connected to mother nature. All I do is walk around barefoot in my garden. Sometimes when it’s cold, I would step onto a rock and feel that connection to mother nature.
#6- Tapping
I first discovered tapping a few years ago and it has helped me to release unwanted energy or blocks that I’m feeling such as anxiety, stress or worry. You can simple do a karate chop or tap a point just above your heart or any point that your comfortable with.
You can start by saying the truth about how you’re feeling and declare your desire. For example, you can say “Even though I am feeling scared about speaking on stage, I am open to the many ways that I can share my message to the best of my ability”.
“Tapping helps me to release unwanted energy or blocks that I’m feeling” Dr. Izdihar Jamil, Ph.D.
#7- Reviewing your schedule
Before i start my work day, I would review my schedule. It helps me to give me a visual on how my day will look like, who I’ll be speaking to what do I need to prepare for the day.
What kind of morning routine works best for you? I’d love to hear your thoughts. Just leave a comment below and drop me a message on Instagram @iamdrizdiharjamil
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