An Interview with Spiritual Healer, Shelley Healey


Tell us about your journey! What led you to this point?   


I am a 44-year-old mother of 3 children, including two 16-year-old twins who have recently been diagnosed with dyslexia and dyspraxia and an eight-year-old autistic son. We are a neurodivergent family and my experiences at home carry over into the work that I do. My purpose in both of these areas is based on carrying out energy healing that positively impacts the four body systems.  

At the start of my journey as a coach, I trained as an Angelic Reiki Master in West London back in 2010. Initially, this was to help me recover from postnatal depression by helping me to expand on and enhance my development journey. It was also intended to help me heal from the many experiences that cloud my past, including childhood trauma, teacher abuse, child sexual abuse, religious restrictions, bullying, and birth trauma. As a result of all of the hardships that I have faced throughout my life, I developed dissociation CPTSD, which has had an impact on my parenting.  

So, I channelled all of my healing work into learning about techniques and strategies that could help other parents in my position and their children, too. What I do helps people to better understand their emotions and release them in healthier ways by drawing on their energy. But, my healing work goes much deeper than the energy of each person. Together, my clients and I also look into ancestral patterns, past lives, and karmic restrictions. With these powerful resources, I help them clear their energy wounds. This has the power to have a massive impact, whether in the form of subtle or huge changes, in people’s lives.  

It was important for me to take my work beyond the one-on-one, too. So, back in 2018, I wrote and published a book entitled The Rainbow Experience, which is all about my personal story. It delves deeper into my challenges and experiences with mental health, autism, education, and home learning. And, I am very proud to say that I created the book entirely by myself except for the formatting and front cover illustrations, which were done by friends.  

Looking ahead, my vision is to create a health and wellness retreat and education centre, also called The Rainbow Experience. It will support children and parents alike, helping all attendees to understand why it can be hard for some sensitive children to cope with the education system we have here in the UK and giving them somewhere to belong. Of course, there will also be a big focus on healing strategies, and these will help to ground children who feel like they don’t belong.  

I hope that, by showing children that someone understands them and has had similar thoughts and feelings around not fitting in, it can help to alleviate their anxieties. I certainly wish I’d had access to that sort of thing when I was young. In addition, the parents, too, will receive support in their healing journey and so will young adults who have had the same experiences of not being understood. Ideally, this will be facilitated by a heart-led support team who can offer people a place where they can truly relate to others. 


What has been your biggest achievement?  


It would have to be writing and self-publishing my first book, The Rainbow Experience, in 2018. While I brought it to life and personally saw it through to the very end of its publishing journey, it was actually first created as a blog and ended up becoming much more!  

It all began when we lost our family home in 2016 and, due to financial reasons, we were unable to find another rental property. As a result, we were forced to move back into my childhood home with my parents! The experience made me feel as though I was going back in time emotionally and mentally, and this challenged me to take a good hard look at my past. To add to all that, my son (who was three at the time) was going through assessments for autism.  

So, I decided to try and understand the concept of seeing life through the eyes of a child, both from his perspective and that of my past self. I started noting down observations of his behaviour and intuitively bringing in information that would help my family to navigate the communication challenges we were facing, while at the same time noticing how some of his behaviours mirrored my own as a child.  

Using the writing process, I was able to channel my emotions and inspiration, all in the hopes that the end result might reach other parents who need to access a new level of understanding of their child. The book itself covers a wide range of topics and offers an insight into my family’s journey through mental health, autism, birth trauma, childhood trauma, learning difficulties, and home and mainstream education. It also touches on Angelic Reiki as a vehicle to understand our challenges.  

In my book, I offer readers both a human and a spiritual perspective on important issues. I would love to have it reworked and relaunched alongside another book I have underway. It’s called Reflections, and it will take a closer look at the fascinating concept of ancestral wounding.  

Luana Ribeira

Luana Ribeira is a best selling author, international speaker and host of business Innovators Radio.