Business Success Interview with Entrepreneur Tomas Samalionis

Today we interview Tomas Samalionis, an Entrepreneur, global citizen, and dream chaser who currently resides in Chicago, IL.
Q: Hi Tomas! Thank you for taking the time to share your story and wisdom with our readers today. What initially made you take the leap of faith into entrepreneurship?
Thanks for having me Jerica. Being an entrepreneur is about having the courage to explore the unknown while having the vision and positive belief that everything will work itself out. I became an entrepreneur, because I wanted to turn my passions into a viable business. I believe that some of us are natural born leaders. Ever since I was a kid I knew that I would accomplish big goals, it was just a matter of time.
Q: You are right about entrepreneurship being about courage, vision, and belief in what you offer and can achieve. How do you personally define success?
Success to me means doing your best and staying committed to becoming the best. Do not settle. Always have a support system, engage with your supporters and evolve personally and professionally. Success is subjective. Each person will define success based on their values. I am successful when I’ve made progress towards my goals and have given my very best.
Q: There’s a saying that goes, “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go with others.” Having a support system is crucial. What was the biggest business mistake you made and what did you do to learn from it?
The biggest mistake I made was not trusting my intuition. I was also hesitant to take calculated risks which may have caused me to miss out on a couple of opportunities.
Now, I weigh the pros and cons and just go for it.
Q: What would you say to someone who came to you for advice about taking the ‘leap of faith’ into entrepreneurship?
I would tell that person to do it now. The time is never right so you just have to go for it. Take the leap and learn what you need to along the road to success.
Q: So true. Time is a precious commodity that we cannot get back. We must make the most of each moment we have. What would you say was the single most influential factor in your business’ success?
My Attitude and mindset. I believe that anything can be done if you have right attitude towards it.
Q: Who is your hero and why?
My family inspires me the most. All of them – my mom, dad, sister, and grandparents. They are all my heroes.
Q: That’s great. It seems like you have a very supportive family. When you are stressed and need to recharge, what do you like to do?
Nothing clears my mind like a good day in nature.
Q: I love being in nature as well. It’s very peaceful and relaxing. What is the one mantra you like to live your life by?
Always have a positive mindset by seeing the glass as half full instead of half empty.
Q: How can you be reached if someone is interested in your products or services?
You can connect with me on Instagram @samaslife.
Thank you so much Tomas for sharing your story, inspirations, and wisdom. Best wishes with your future endeavors.

Jerica Glasper

Jerica Glasper is a PR, Marketing and Expert Positioning Consultant for individuals and companies. She covers topics such as Publicity, Branding, Online & Local Marketing, Social Media, Lead Gen and Personal Development.