How to Use Promotional Products to Brand Your Business, Stand Out, And Stay Top of Mind

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Tommy: Usually by doing a Google search, I can be found on Google and sometimes can be found on the first page depending on what word you search. Also, by asking other reputable people who they do business with or when you’re asking outside sources that have nothing invested in you, I like to think they’ll be pretty honest with you too. Being a part of networking groups is another big one, however I know not everybody can do that. And then just doing your own research online or with Google nowadays, you can find anything out.

JC: Any other last-minute insights, tips, or thoughts, before we close?

Tommy: Always go quality over quantity. Even if you have to buy less of an item to get good quality instead of getting more of something of lesser quality, don’t do it. Never sacrifice quality for quantity. Consistency is key, I firmly believe in this business. Consistency and quality are key. Because without quality items, people aren’t keeping them or thinking of you. I mean, again, it’s your image, right? I don’t know what you think, but I know what I think when someone walks up to me and they’re telling me about how great their services are, and they can do this and that. And then they hand me a brochure that they printed out on their printer and folded themselves. And it’s all off-centered. It’s on a piece of paper and it’s like the first thing I think to myself; is that how you’re going to treat me as a client, shortcut corners and take the cheap way?

Tommy: So, and I’m a firm believer if I think this way, someone else is thinking this way. Right? Sure. So, if they’re looking at you that way, how can I be 100% confident in your service when you’re already cutting corners to represent yourself? Believe me, I didn’t do marketing items for the first several years I was in business. People are like you got, I said, no, I don’t. Why not? I don’t have the money to get the proper ones right now. I’m not just going to buy $200 worth of crap that no one’s going to keep. So, I waited and saved. I waited till I could afford good enough items that people were going to take away and keep and then some were coming back for second and thirds. Now I know the items I got for giveaway are good.

Tommy: You know, but that’s what I would say; don’t sacrifice quality and do not sacrifice your branding and your colors for anything at all. That is what will keep you at top of mind in your profession. And, what you want people to think about you.

JC: And I would like to add something to that, because I know you are big in education. I think’s so important that you find someone that is more interested, more invested in educating you than in selling to you without asking you about your problems and looking at your challenges.

Tommy: Yes. Yes. Love it.

Tommy Sommers, is the CEO & Owner of Logo Zone Promotions, a family owned and operated company based in Maryland serving clients locally and internationally. Because of his background in the industry, he is able to service any type of business whether it’s a college, office, small or large organizations, and associations. Logo Zone Promotions provides quality promotional, and ad specialty items along with print and mail Services.

LogoZone Promotions prides itself on providing great customer service, and a quality product at a competitive cost within budgetary constraints. They are dedicated to serving any type of industry for any type of business while always focusing on the customers wants and needs.

JC Soto

JC Soto is a Best Selling Author, host of Business Innovators Radio and contributor for Small Business Trendsetters covering Influencers, Innovators and Trendsetters in Business, Health, Finance and Personal Development.