Lan Reilford Talks About What It Takes To Be In The Electronic Repair Business For Over 16 Year

Q: Do you believe there is some sort of pattern or formula to becoming a successful electronic repair person?

A: I believe taking the advice of your area developer and using the corporate model for growth.

Q: What sacrifices have you had to make to be successful?

A: I sacrifice a bit more in time, but my family and friends are completely onboard with this. Having a support team is important in being successful.

Q: If you could time travel back to day one of your startup and could give your former self one piece of advice based off of the lessons you’ve now

A: Get into the business much earlier, knowing that I am good enough to be a business owner and that I can and will be successful.

Q: Where do you see CPR in the next year? In the next five years? The next ten years?

A: As a corporation, we are growing by leaps and bounds. We are looking to grow as a whole by 20% annually so in five years, we should be every bit as popular as some of the larger named fast food restaurants and in ten years, we should be the only named brand service provider nationwide.

Q: What are your future goals for your business?

A: Our goal is to be the best in the area and the franchise. We plan to expand and be the leading in our area of expertise by proving the best repairs and the best people experience that we can.

As Lan and his team continue to grow they want to continue to be the “Go-To” guys in repair while keeping old devices out of landfills to do their part in saving the planet. It takes a lot of drive, and dedication to do anything for over a decade and this interview gives insight to over 16 years of entrepreneurship . Lan Reilford has proved he has what it takes to be successful in the electronics repair business.

John Watkins

Certified Six Sigma Professional, John V Watkins is a Serial Entrepreneur and Photographer. He is also a Media Strategist and Founder of Urban Architech.