Operational Strategy Consultant Emily Allen Shares Your Inspiring Journey And Success Tips

Today it seems like this is the norm and that we have to be involved in everything, say ‘no’ to nothing, and run from place to place or meeting to meeting. It’s harder and harder to catch up…with fewer moments of rest.

With all that going on, it’s no wonder we lose sight of our priorities and goals. And it’s no wonder that we’re tired, and wondering where the day went and lose sight of what we really want.

So while it feels good to say ‘yes’ at the moment and add it to your calendar – that’s not always a good idea.

I invite you to find out exactly where your time is going. I want you to spend some time evaluating. To honestly, measure and track how you spend your time.

But … please Be kind to yourself. You will find gaps. You will find opportunities. But remember that those gaps and opportunities represent new ways to spend more time on what matters and less time on what doesn’t.


Izdihar: What’s 1 key action that anybody can take today to move closer to their goals?

Emily: Easy. Prioritizing your goals.

This is something that’s easy and accessible to everyone, and the more you grow, the more you should be doing it.

As a savvy business owner, I want you to always have a running list of goals that you want to achieve and a timeline that you want to stick to. Being strategic is crucial because, as you know, things will come up and try to derail you. You absolutely must know where your focus is needed in order to grow your business to the next level. 

Once you have your goals laid out, you simply need to prioritize them so you’re always working on the most important things at any given moment. If you can’t do it all yourself (and there’s a good chance you can’t) you need to hire skilled and reliable people you can delegate tasks to.


Izdihar: Do you have any free gifts to offer? 

Emily: Yes, of course! You can grab my free, ultra-practical guide that will tell you how to shorten your journey to multiple 6-figure and 7-figure success.

5 Roadblocks Hampering Your Business Growth


Izdihar: How can people get in touch with you?

Emily: Honestly, the best way to get in touch with me is to send me an email at emily@emilyallen.co or schedule a discovery call with me here: https://calendly.com/emily_allen/letstalk.

But, if you want a little more time to get to know me or check me out online first, you can head over to my website at emilyallen.co. 


Izdihar: What do your clients say are the best thing about working with you?

Emily: Here are what some of my clients say about me…

This was absolutely fabulous! Great to get all the ideas and thoughts out and have someone organize what’s going on in our heads, because something like this would quite honestly, have taken me and the CEO a few days…or a month with all the interruptions in the office.

This definitely saved us a lot of time and set us up really nicely for our Q1 meeting with our team — this is excellent.


Emily has done an awesome job in making me think through my process which has helped me in identifying the holes and gaps that we need to work on.


After working together I have a more clear vision of who I need on my team and exactly what I need them to do. The work has helped me identify what my role is as CEO and realize I really can’t do all the things. I have a more realistic idea of my individual and the team’s capacity to work on internal projects while fulfilling client work. This allows me to more strategically layer our internal work to move the business forward quarter over quarter.

Dr. Izdihar Jamil

Dr. Izdihar Jamil, Ph.D.—#1 International Bestselling Author of Money Makers, TV Show Host and Visibility Expert—has appeared on FORBES, Fox TV, and TED.com. She helps leaders to be SEEN, HEARD and CHOSEN as the go-to experts in their field with proven, predictable and effective methods. She’s also the Curator for TEDxHuntingtonBeach. She lives in California with her husband and children, she loves baking and reading. More info on Izdihar: www.izdiharjamil.com