Welcome to Business Innovators Magazine…Please introduce yourself and a brief thumbnail sketch of your background.
PD: Hello, my name is Paul Delger, I serve as an inspirational speaker and freelance writer. About six years ago, I felt called to share life lessons from cerebral palsy in a speaking environment. I have overcome numerous challenges and just desire to give people hope. I also went to college to become a journalist and have been writing ever since. It’s a powerful rush to create words that flow. Presently, I do grant writing and music and book reviews. Away from the work world, I have been heavily involved in church leadership roles and serving as a grant writer and event participation with the local fire department.
BI: What would you say is the area in business that you are most passionate about and why?
PD: I am passionate about reaching high school and college students with the message of overcoming. They are in formative years, and I want to bring them hope, encouragement, and motivation.
BI:How are you different than your competitors?
PD: I have great determination, and I press on despite obstacles. One individual in higher education told me I had the most perseverance of anyone he knew. My life story is unique living with a disability but despite major obstacles one of hope.
BI: Please tell me about any recent business accomplishments that you are most proud of and why?
PD: When students make it a point to come up after my speech and just hang out with me and/or thank me for the speech. It tells me I am touching lives and relating to students. It makes the heart feel good.
BI: What Leadership qualities in Leaders do you most admire and why?
PD: Integrity is a big one. It isn’t based on success necessarily, but on being fair, honest and reputable Approachable is another. A true leader will also be a ‘regular’ guy or gal who isn’t stuck on themselves. They enjoy being available to people and don’t lord their position over others. Positive encouragement is another. The leader will be a cheerleader of sorts wanting people to succeed and be the best they can.
BI: What has been a key element of your success?
PD: Perseverance–the deep desire within me to not give up no matter how hard life gets.
BI: What are some of the business projects that you are currently working on that you are excited about and why?
PD: I remain excited about bringing hope and encouragement to people especially students through my speaking. I think one of the main reasons I was put on this earth is to encourage people. If I can overcome difficulties living with a disability, others can too.
BI: What are 1 or 2 things you would like to say to a prospective client who stumbles across this interview?
PD: I am passionate about reaching people particularly students with the speaking message of overcoming. Integrity is extremely important to me in my life and business dealings.
BI: To wrap this up, what are you most excited about in the upcoming months in your business?
PD: The potential of reaching more people particularly students with the message of overcoming.
For more information: http://www.linkedin.com./in/pauldelger