In the dream, these “angels” told me that one day, this “method” would be used by women around the world for solacing and comforting the broken-hearted. I didn’t know what that all meant at the time, but it was indelibly impressed upon my mind and into my heart as I slept.
When I awoke, the heartache had lessened so much, to a bearable amount and in its place, was a new excitement to go and create a method using “Song & Scent.” As each song was “born,” I named it after the blend. Each “song and scent” became so precious to my heart. At last, I had 18 songs and 18 blends. I arranged them onto CDS and they became “The Healer’s Touch Vocal CD” and “Divine Essence Vocal CD,” now part of the “Joy In The Mourning” program.
“The Healers’ Touch” CD was all for ministering to those sacred wounds which only God and his angels see, those wounds which are deeply embedded in our hearts. These songs were about angels ministering to those wounds.
The “Divine Essence Vocal” CD was for restoring what had been lost in the process of going through heartache as a child, a teen or an adult. These nine songs emphasized the divinity within. They are building songs, songs for the child within; songs to remind the heart and mind that you are a cherished child of God.
Carol: As I am getting more clarity and understanding of your music, songs, use of all 5 senses and massage, they all became what is now known as your unique work of being a Vibrational Attunement Massage Therapist, correct?
Karyn: yes.
Carol: Such a peaceful and joyful expression comes on your face when you talk about the songs you’ve written and continue to write as well as the songs you write specifically for others, something that has become a major part of who Karyn Lynn Grant is and what your work entails.
I could feel the emotion while you were sharing that remarkable event and story. I see it brought tears to you as well. The memory, the vividness… Did one of your songs include a song about “Peace in the Mourning?”
Karyn: As far as songs, yes, one of the first songs I wrote was called, “Scents of Peace.” This song was written for a young, pregnant mother. Her story nearly broke my heart and so one night, when I couldn’t sleep, I got up and prayed for a song to comfort her. The song, “Scents of Peace” was written in the middle of the night. I was able to earn enough money to pay to get the song arranged by a musician, Dean Kaelin (who was David Archuletta’s vocal coach).
To this day, I receive requests from those suffering losses of varying kinds who need solace and want to find peace and joy again. I pray about each situation as they arise and the words and the songs just come to me. When I then share them, the positive responses of how the songs have consoled, helped … comforts my heart and soul as well.
I knew that the songs God had given to me had comforted me in times of sorrow…so I believed that perhaps, I could help turn other peoples’ “sorrow into song” so to speak….with the songs that had solaced, consoled and comforted me during those times.
Carol: How do you encourage others to discover “peace in their time of mourning” and assist them in “gracefully transitioning” through grief back into joy, peace, pure love and beyond?
Karyn: Within the “Peace in the Mourning” program, our focus is learning the importance of making time for ourselves as caregivers. We learn how to bask in the stillness, by grounding and anchoring ourselves in a morning meditation. During this hour, we focus on nurturing ourselves by re-balancing our emotional-spiritual lives through prayer, meditation and journal keeping.
Equally, I have found (realizing that we are all different) that when I take the first 30-60 minutes of the morning and have my own morning meditation time with my journal, music, aromatherapy and manuals, that I start the day off with my vessel full to the brim. When I do my own self-care first, I find that I have so much to offer others throughout the day.
Carol: What type of life experiences have you found, in your work, that “Peace in the Mourning” help?
Karyn: Everything from abandonment issues as a child, to rejection by a spouse, to the death of a loved one, to the suicide of a teenager. There is no grief that cannot be resolved with greater empathy, tenderness and compassion. We all have heartaches that were never laid to rest properly.
I believe that all grief hurts deeply, no matter what has caused it. Whether it’s the loss of a job, a pet, a dear friend, a sudden death, a relocation….no matter what causes a person sorrow, there can be found deep relief when we discover that we are not alone and that someone truly deeply cares about our emotional, mental and spiritual well-being. By experiencing kindheartedness, we can gain tools for emotional self-sufficiency. This is the way I have discovered to honor the heartbroken and to minister to the forgotten (but not always forgiven) wounds. How to become more emotionally self-reliant and reliant upon a Divine Source when times are troubled is what I am teaching.