Ramona Okkema of Michigan Turning Hearts Toward Hope

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Carol: and so that is why and how you chose to become a “Joy Coach”?

Ramona: I chose to become a “Joy Coach” after personally experiencing the session myself. For several years, I had been purchasing oils. For most of that time, they basically sat on a shelf being used for an occasional insect bite, bruise or use in a diffuser. I wanted to make better use of my investment in the oils, but nothing seemed to compel me to do so.

After I experienced a mini “Healer’s Touch” Session, I knew I had found the answer to my quest to find a more useful way to utilize oils. I purchased a recipe book from Karyn Lynn Grant. This book contained many essential oil blends and several recipes for smoothies. The startling fact for me was that Karyn had an accompanying song for each of those blends. I thought to myself: this could be fun. Who does not like to experiment with scents and beneficial oils while listening to uplifting and encouraging songs?

After further researching and checking out the “Song and Scent Method” by Karyn Lynn Grant, my interest led me to taking classes via Zoom calls. After taking “The Healer’s Touch Certification” program, I was more determined than ever to make good use of the stash of essentials I had that barely had been used for anything else. I was excited to learn as much as I could about this type of relaxation therapy. With 3 levels of certification for “The Healer’s Touch Method,” I knew I needed to stay committed to learning as much as possible.

Carol: Availability of taking the classes via Zoom must have been very beneficial.

Ramona: One of the highlights of taking these classes on zoom is the opportunity each student
has to experience a Healer’s Touch session with the instructor. Lots of practice opportunities. Even
though I live in Michigan and the Instructor lives in Utah, I was still able to learn online, using the oils, songs and music. Classes via zoom allowed each of the Joy Coaching® students to witness each of our own personal coaching styles, as well as, overtime, bond with each other. We are a band of “Joy Coaches” across America and even in Australia. Even though we all come from different family and career dynamics Joy Coaching® fits into each of our lives like a glove.

As I practiced these protocols on myself, at first as homework, I began to realize just how soothing and comforting self-nurturing could be. Not only was I learning “The Healer’s Touch Method™” to bless others, but I was blessing myself with practice sessions at home. The end result of these practice sessions always included a sense of peace and hope in my mind and heart. Who does not want more of that in their life?

I knew I was onto to something very unique and special. How could I keep this to myself? I wanted to share this technique with others, hoping to see them encouraged and uplifted as I was. This was how I came to be passionate about being a “Joy Coach”.

Carol: There have been obvious benefits to your life personally and professionally. Care to expound?

Ramona: There is not a single person that does not live with some type of stress. Most of our lives have commitments on varying levels simultaneously. Most of us have a way of convincing ourselves we have just enough time to do a bit more. In doing that, we squeeze out the person we knew best first: our self as a child.

Life is challenging from the get go. As children, we live, grow up in a world experiencing a magnificent proportion of things for the very first time. These first years are also our most impressionable years.

Some impressions are nurturing and cultivate a sense of confidence and courage. Other impressions leave hurts and wounds. We are creatures of habit.

As time goes and we get older, there is less time and acceptance by others to think and discover as a child. Yet, hurts and wounds get buried in the “grow up and act like an adult” years. Speaking for myself, one can even be unaware of emotional wounds buried in the race to be a successful adult. Whether I do a self-nurturing Joy Coaching® session or receive a session by another “Joy Coach”, there is some type of emotional release. A release of emotions that is replaced with a sense of calm and peace of mind.

Each time I walk away from receiving a session, my mind is less cluttered; my sense of being is more relaxed, knowing a bit more about my purpose, calling and mission in life. It is a wonderful trade off. I smell good; I feel good from the oils used and even discover a new song to hum or sing along to – all uplifting benefits of a typical session.

With these results, I return to my role as a mother, wife, dairy farm owner, shepherdess, friend refreshed and encouraged.

Carol: and your clients – care to share some outcomes you’ve helped clients achieve?

Ramona: I recently had a client, that after several sessions, revealed to me she was no longer considering suicide. I was unaware of this struggle in her life. She shared with me how powerfully encouraging the lyrics were in several songs she had heard during her sessions. The faith filled message in the songs brought her to the realization that she was important; that her life mattered to others and that she had a unique calling upon her life to help make a positive difference in the world around her.

carol a santella

Carol A Santella is a Credibility, Recognition and Trust Building Positioning Strategist and Consultant for Individuals and Business Owners. A Best Selling Author, Health Consultant, and Publisher, Carol is also a Radio Show Host for Business Innovators Radio, Host and Founder of Inside with Carol covering Innovators and Trendsetting Influencers in the Fields of Business, Health and Wellness, Medicine, Leadership and Animal Related Industries. Carol is also a Contributor to Business Innovators Magazine, Small Business Trendsetters and the Founder of the Health and Wellness Leaders and Influencers Group; The Entrepreneur Exchange and is world renowned for her Acknowledgment and Recognition Model of those who stand out above the rest and assisting them with The Power of Positioning TM. Carol is the founder and operator of The Listener Network which now encompasses her health, communications, publishing and business consulting work.