Ramona Okkema of Michigan Turning Hearts Toward Hope

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Carol: That is so uplifting and indicative of the work you are sharing and doing. That seems a wonderful experience and result, as well, for you both and others in her life residually.

Ramona: In addition, Joy CoachingĀ® sessions offer help in many situations, such as: a combination of bad weather, commodity prices dropping and exports to China dropping up to 75% are just some of the reasons farmers are under more pressure than ever. American Agricultural families make up for only 5% of the population despite the fact they feed themselves and the other 95% of the population. Although, small in numbers, they carry a heavy load, providing food across the nation.

Due to these financial burdens, it is harder than ever to make ends meet financially. Many farm family households have had find employment outside the farmstead. This makes for a disconnect in family farm communications and less time working and living together. Joy CoachingĀ® sessions can usher in some reprieve from such hardships as well.

Carol: Your unique gifts, Ramona (of which I see many) that separate you from other coaches?

Ramona: I am a very compassionate emphatic person. Usually, I can enter any room or gathering and sense the moods of people without them ever saying a word. Some of those moods are not healthy for themselves or others. I am drawn to helping usher a client from place where they are willing to release fears that have haunted them to one of peace in their hearts and a desire to seek out the Joy in life for themselves.

Life is a gift from our Heavenly Father. Until we start using that gift, we will never know our own potential. Joy CoachingĀ® sessions are like helping someone unwrap that gift. Instead of ripping open the package, time and careful unraveling of the gift help to appreciate the Giver of the gift, as well as, the gift itself.

Carol: What are some common misconceptions that a person might have about Joy CoachingĀ® and your work?

Ramona: I am not a Psychiatrist. I am not massage therapist(yet)…this is one of my goals in the next two years and do not give massages. What I am is a relaxation therapist, a grief coach and someone people can hear a message of hope from.

Carol: What are some of the pitfalls that a potential client may have about your services?

Ramona: Expecting Joy to show up in one session on a silver platter. Joy CoachingĀ® sessions are a time of introspection. As a client relaxes on a massage table or hospital bed or in a wheelchair, my goal is to help create a time where mending of broken hearts and emotional wounds can take place. Very rarely does that take place in just one session.

As one client stated: A Joy CoachingĀ® session is so personal. Healing is needed throughout life for different reasons. We all need healing.” With turning hearts towards hope or as it has been now dubbed: h2h or ā€œheart to heartā€ Joy CoachingĀ® sessions, finding hope and joy takes place as the layers of our wounds are exposed and cared for; gently and at the pace of the client. Relaxation takes place as clients experience the calming that comes with sessions.

Carol: What other perceived obstacles do you see that might be preventing those suffering from hurting hearts from seeking this type of help?

Ramona: Some people prefer to be private. Each Joy CoachingĀ® session is different as with each person/client. One does not have to talk. Some people cry, some lay silent, some just smile and some share what comes to mind in bits and pieces over the course of several sessions and some people experience a whole range of emotions during one session. That later is most normal. Ā 

With Joy CoachingĀ® sessions, nurturing comes from the combination of the 5 senses being utilized, using the scents from the oils, the natural benefits of the oils on the body, the imagery of the songs being played and the light whisper touches received by the ā€œJoy Coachā€. You may ask…what about the sense of taste. Now and then my clients enjoy a smoothie that contains some essential oil drops…like citrus flavors; lemon, lime, orange, tangerine or even mint flavors. Other times it could be a piece of real chocolate. There is plenty of information on the web explaining the many health benefits of eating dark chocolate.

Carol: Do you have specific niche, Ramona?

Ramona: As part of the Joy CoachingĀ® Program, as students, we are asked to recognize our Niche’s within the program. This took considerable thought. I knew I could share the benefits with my immediate family and teach others to do the same, but as far as a specific niche, I had never considered that much. After giving a session to a psychologist for a local Veteran’s Hospital, she inquired if I did any volunteer Joy CoachingĀ® Sessions for the Veteran Community. She had expressed a great need for these faith-based relaxation experiences. In her opinion, many would benefit from such.

I then considered this as one of my top niches. However, I am a dairy farmer and understand the farming life firsthand. With hundreds of farms closing doors last year, in Michigan alone, I knew many farm families were experiencing grief and stress in portions like never seen before.

carol a santella

Carol A Santella is a Credibility, Recognition and Trust Building Positioning Strategist and Consultant for Individuals and Business Owners. A Best Selling Author, Health Consultant, and Publisher, Carol is also a Radio Show Host for Business Innovators Radio, Host and Founder of Inside with Carol covering Innovators and Trendsetting Influencers in the Fields of Business, Health and Wellness, Medicine, Leadership and Animal Related Industries. Carol is also a Contributor to Business Innovators Magazine, Small Business Trendsetters and the Founder of the Health and Wellness Leaders and Influencers Group; The Entrepreneur Exchange and is world renowned for her Acknowledgment and Recognition Model of those who stand out above the rest and assisting them with The Power of Positioning TM. Carol is the founder and operator of The Listener Network which now encompasses her health, communications, publishing and business consulting work.