Rose Kelleher Elevate Sales Success Interview



Welcome to Business Innovators Magazine…Please introduce yourself and a brief thumbnail sketch of your background.

RK: Starting in real estate as a whim produced an amazing career path for me. Ten years in full-time transactional real estate sales (year one was Rookie of the Year) and continuously in the top 5-10% in the regional then national brand. My focus started with traditional buyers and sellers and then onto corporate relocation executives and then onto a leader in luxury sales and new construction and investment real estate. The next ten years were spent in high-level leadership/management, training, coaching and consulting for leading regional, national and international brands. I decided to focus then on training, coaching and motivational speaking for real estate and other sales industries. I love what I do!!

BI: What would you say is the area in business that you are most passionate about and why?

RK: I absolutely love speaking to groups, big or small and motivating them to perform in ways to stand out and create huge success. Teaching and speaking in the basic dynamics of “sales success” and “becoming a leader in sales service thru effective communication strategies” are a few of the topics I am truly passionate about.

BI: How are you different than your competitors?

RK: In the real estate industry there are few industry leaders who have sold at high levels as an individual and team in local, regional, national and international organizations who went onto “the other side” (as I call it) to TOP leadership/management and teaching/coaching & consulting. I have received numerous fabulous awards and recognitions on both the sales side and leadership/management sides. I know both sides of selling and managing and leading – and as a working mother – there is another dynamic that surprises audiences. I have had and raised four kids in the real estate sales & management industry.

BI: Please tell me about any recent business accomplishments that you are most proud of and why?

RK: This past fall I was keynote for The Massachusetts Association of Realtors Convention, I have been on radio shows such as Real Estate Radio Boston, I have had my blogs reposted, been in several publications such as Distinctive Homes Magazine of New England and I have coached and trained leading individuals, teams, managers, companies and owners of major sales organizations. I have spoken to many large groups with zest and tremendous feedback and zeal. 

BI: What Leadership qualities in Leaders do you most admire and why?


1.  Consistent Strength of Character

2. Strong communication skills

3. Honesty, Commitment, Confidence

BI: What has been a key element of your success?

RK: One of the key elements of my success has been committing to daily continuous learning and excellent listening as well as strong communication skills.

BI: What are some of the business projects that you are currently working on that you are excited about and why?

RK: I am currently coaching and consulting some exceptional individuals, teams and organizations. I am also working on several speaking engagements as well as a book for Real Estate Agents to Elevate! The Sale!

BI: What are 1 or 2 things you would like to say to a prospective client who stumbles across this interview?

RK: If you would like to recharge, motivate and reenergize your sales organization with someone who has an explosive passion for seeking consistent and continuous growing success – call on me to speak to your group … I love creating and reinvigorating high energy that is further channeled into success!

Remember, when your sales need improvement, I have been-there-done-that and managed thousands of sales people, too towards enormous unexpected results!

BI: What would my clients and audiences say about you?

RK: Rosemary is entertaining and motivating. She encourages in practical ways and gives sound advice that is applicable and doable! Her strategies and suggestions are realistic and yet measurable inconsistent and measured success. Her confidence and wisdom in sales and communication are not only logical and practical, but career changing.

BI: To wrap this up, what are you most excited about in the upcoming months in your business?

RK: Several organizations, individuals, and groups have been working with me to do keynotes!! I am also working in training classes and doing lots of writing. Hopefully, this will be the year I can finish a book and start at least one more!!!!! Sales is Both and Art & Science!

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