TC Bradley, Media and Publishing Expert, Discusses Publishing and Media Innovations

Lisa: Care to share one more story?

TC: Sure, my good friend Stephen J. Young, has closed over 100 million dollars in sales in the last 10 years and credits me for making that possible for him by putting him on the map by establishing a powerful Internet presence for him, which included his website, branding, and his own best-selling book. This opened doors for him that would have never been opened without my guidance, direction, and consulting.

Lisa: So what happens when someone becomes a client of yours?

TC: Once we take on a client, we establish a structure of fulfillment that will result in a new reality being created for our client. Who they were before they met me will no longer exist. That is exactly what happened with Stephen J. Young, and it certainly happened with those 15 best selling authors.… Their lives will never be the same – never.

Lisa: With results like that, it sounds like you are busy.

TC: The majority of our business is referral based, and yes, our production schedule is currently a few weeks out, but if I like you and your story, there is always the slim possibility of adjusting our production schedule. In addition, for the first time in years, I have started accepting speaking engagements, and my speaking schedule is also filling up, so yes, I am pretty busy.

Lisa: What is your next book you are releasing?

TC: I am releasing my own business book later this month titled, Instant Celebrity Status!: Establish Your DOMINANCE in Your Local Market by Using Major Media and Becoming a Best-Selling Author!

Lisa: What are your expectations for the book?

TC: I was asked this same question in another interview, Lisa, and my answer never changes. My expectations are simple. I expect this book to be a best-selling book and one of the TOP business books released in 2015, and based on my track record, I would not bet against it.

Lisa: Great answer, TC, and great interview, and I look forward to reading your next book!

TC: Thanks Lisa, I enjoyed it as well.

For more information on TC Bradley and his media and publishing programs visit, or you may contact him at 800-676-1075

Lisa C. Williams

Lisa C. Williams is a exposureist and chief #momentum officer (CMO) of Smart Hustle Agency & Publishing. Lisa creates Corporate Social Responsibility campaigns that business owners, entrepreneurs and companies participate in which helps elevate their brand while being part of the solution to make the world better for others.

Lisa has helped hundreds of professionals get featured in the media and she has worked with over 50 business owners assisting them in becoming published and reaching best seller status.