The Many Faces of AriSha™ Meet Sadie-Sha and Ariel 

Ari: Yes, it was actually the other girl who responded to the ad. I was just coming along for the ride. Sha and I connected during that meeting and we ended up working together regularly and so beautifully that it seemed too good to be true.

Sha: I think we really balanced each other. Ari came initially as a promo model, but was the one out of the whole group that was always there to work; always asking for hours and always helpful and supportive. She was a student and unlike most students in college who spend spring break on vacation, Ari was eager to work instead.

Ari: Yeah, we always worked during that spring. Since everything had shut down due to COVID and they canceled school classes, I found it was a great opportunity for me to fully immerse myself in the job; learn every aspect from shipping out orders to interacting with customers to even using video to live sell our products in real time. I think that total immersion, while still taking classes online, is really what enabled us to work so closely together.

As we continued, systems became especially important. We set up the system so that we could teach the system.  We based it on Chuck’s principles from medical school: see one, do one, teach one. When we set up our office and shipping facility, it was us creating the process. It worked so well it was always like “okay, boom, another set of orders. Let’s do it.” We saw, we created, we did it ourselves and then we trained our staff how to do the same and it works.

Sha:  That’s so true.  We opened our facility here in Las Vegas in January 2020 and Ari and I set it up together so there’s nothing that she doesn’t know because she’s been immersed since the beginning.

Carol: You mentioned previously that you have a backbone of professionals. It also sounds as though you do quite a bit yourselves.

Sha: Yes. We set up the systems and caused the workflow to be created. Systems are really important because once you set those systems up, you’re able to replace yourself and that’s why we’re able to do so many things.  If we needed to do it all, we would never be able to indulge with our glass studio or in creating new branding for The Wailers, for example.  Those are fun things we love and it grows the business in so many ways.

Ari: I think when you create products like how we do daily and then you empower your team to create products as well, that is really how you get some different things that are really new to either us or the entire industry.  Things that work better because we’ve empowered our team to go ahead and set their creativity loose, use what they’ve learned and take it and put it into products that they want to add to the product line.

Sha: I think we’ve seen that a lot with our Hemp Sisters especially. They created a tattoo brightening product that is awesome.  We wouldn’t have that without them just putting their hearts and their souls into that tattoo culture.  What happened was we were conducting interviews. This one day, we hired a girl whose body was nearly covered in tattoos. We are always expanding our product lines and she suggested this as a big need in her expanding world. The Hemp Sisters, Gina Mama Epps and Lois Carter really tackled that and we were able to do an impressive video showing it working. The first reactions from users when they first see it is like: “Holy &*$, is this magic?”

You get a lot of cool things from people and that’s what we really like to do is be out socializing with people because we get the real effect. We refer to that as “AriSha™ Magic” because people always tell us their secrets; comment that they can’t believe this is happening. So, when people really let us in their lives, we want to say “thank you;” we want to collaborate and figure out how we can enhance each other’s friendships, visibility, and messaging. We want to promote people. It’s not about us. We want them to use us to get their messages out there.

Carol: That is what I think of as part of your sincerity in others’ success and your openness in helping them make that happen.  Continuing, what is your vision for AriSha™?

Sha: I feel the vision is getting people healthier, letting people celebrate their lives. I think that’s one reason music is important and can play a part. For example, when you see people dancing, that’s a hidden workout. I like to do stuff like that where you don’t realize you’re having so much fun and at the same time educating and entertaining along the way. You can help through learning, through music, through movement. Something I express through the videos I do. We create products that backup lifestyles.

Ari: My vision for AriSha™ is assisting everyone’s endocannabinoid system. Educating people in an entertaining way to really help people’s health and happiness is so important. Right now, we see a lot of people trying to take away cannabis. Other cannabis dispensaries don’t even want all legal cannabis to be available to people. We want to continue to promote the truth of cannabis to the world; to teach people how to feel better so they have healthier bodies and work better with each other. It really starts with having a better endocannabinoid system. When those receptors are bathed by cannabinoids, it improves the cell, which in turn improves the organ, which allows your organ to be healthier, allows your overall body to be healthier, which allows you to be happier and treat your friends and family better and create more positive and sustainable communities for the rest of the world.

carol a santella

Carol A Santella is a Credibility, Recognition and Trust Building Positioning Strategist and Consultant for Individuals and Business Owners. A Best Selling Author, Health Consultant, and Publisher, Carol is also a Radio Show Host for Business Innovators Radio, Host and Founder of Inside with Carol covering Innovators and Trendsetting Influencers in the Fields of Business, Health and Wellness, Medicine, Leadership and Animal Related Industries. Carol is also a Contributor to Business Innovators Magazine, Small Business Trendsetters and the Founder of the Health and Wellness Leaders and Influencers Group; The Entrepreneur Exchange and is world renowned for her Acknowledgment and Recognition Model of those who stand out above the rest and assisting them with The Power of Positioning TM. Carol is the founder and operator of The Listener Network which now encompasses her health, communications, publishing and business consulting work.