Q: Hi Ben! Thanks for interviewing today and sharing your business with us. How do you personally define success?
What we feel is a sign of success is being able to get to the top without having to step on anyone’s toes to get there. This is why being patient and transparent with our customers about any type of transaction is part of our day-to-day. Business success is ultimately about building successful and sustainable relationships.
Q: How do you differentiate yourself from others in the luxury watch market?
There are many in our industry that will try and push their way to the top without any thought of the consequences that their actions have on their integrity, their customers, their vendors and the overall marketplace.
Every now and then we read our competitors reviews and shudder at what actually goes on. At the end of the day, integrity is all you have in the business world. You are only as good as your word, and this especially rings true in the luxury watch market.
Q: What advice would you give to someone asking for advice about becoming an entrepreneur?
In the beginning, it takes time and lots of hard work and patience to build a company and a brand. Many entrepreneurs work 80 hour weeks so that they don’t have to work 40 hour weeks.
Thomas Edison once said: “Everything comes to those who hustle while they wait.” It takes about 4 years before you know if your company will succeed so it pays to pursue something you are passionate about to help you get through this buffer period. Show patience with yourself and be patient with others and never do something that you wouldn’t want published on the cover of the Sunday paper.
Q: What would you say was the single most influential factor in your business’ success?
The trust factor. Our customers trust us and we do everything in our power to make every online purchase an example of what good old fashioned customer service should be… For people who shop online, it’s rare phenomenon that really stands out and builds loyalty.
Q: How do you think technology will affect the way we do business?
Technology is constantly changing the way we do business. We adapt early to avoid the pitfalls of not doing so. Online commerce is changing so quickly and it’s challenging to keep up with every new innovation that comes out but doing is worth it in the long run.
Q: How can you be reached if someone is interested in your products?
Through our website www.prestigetime.com By Email info@prestigetime.com By Phone (800) 470-2343 Our Facebook page www.facebook.com/PrestigeTimeWatches. We also have a very active luxury watch blog at https://www.prestigetime.com/blog/.