Happiness in the Mourning as 2019: The Year of Joy Series Continues

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Recently I have been studying a lot of information about people who received their life callings in their youth. What is interesting about each one of these people is that each one had to undergo a series of trials, tribulations, mishaps, misfortunes and miraculous escapes before they began to mentor others into becoming the very best version of themselves.

Carol: Is this an area you work on with clients?

Karyn: Often I will have a client listen to the music, breathe in the aromatherapy, receive the positive nurturing, compassionate touch and help them to transition into a state of deep relaxation. As they are led by their physical senses into a beautiful, peaceful, theta state, I will ask them to reminisce upon some of the simple joys of their childhoods. Sometimes a person might struggle to remember something happy from their childhood at first, as the painful experiences that we may have once had tend to block out the positive ones. Any experience that was imprinted upon our minds, hearts and bodies via our five senses tend to create the illusion of happiness versus sadness. Therefore, you will often hear people say, “I had the perfect childhood…” or “My childhood was miserable….” Anything that is imprinted into our memory banks is kind of driven in with an “exclamation point” if one, two, three or more of the senses were involved.

What I do with “The Healer’s Touch Method” is have my clients acknowledge the emotional energies that have been left lodging in their cells and souls, that may have never been expressed. We don’t regurgitate the details of a painful memory but allow ourselves to express the suppressed emotion that got hidden in our cells. In this way, no one ever needs to retell the specific events, but instead simply state the feeling of sadness that got left behind.

Carol: Is this the way “The Healer’s Touch Method” assists with our subconscious minds or programming?

Karyn: As we reframe the experiences of our childhood, we can literally rewrite history! We can imagine new outcomes to the old stories we have rehearsed over and over in our minds and hearts. We can go back and focus upon a scene that once brought us pain and imagine a happier ending to that story. We can learn to forgive ourselves and others and recreate new happier scenes in our minds and hearts! We can revisit the old painful energetic photographs and visualize brighter and more beautiful scenarios.

Carol: Questions can be powerful. They can change so many things, from how we look, feel and think about ourselves, our work, relationships, life, our world…? Let’s share some helpful questions that will assist our readers with changes they may need to make or suggestions and/or tips for being happier.

• Are you taking care of your own happiness?
• Do you feel responsible to make others happy?
• What do I need to change to make myself happier?
• Am I making contributions with my own gifts and talents to the world?
• What Iegacy would I like to leave to make the world a happier place?
• Am I living my life on purpose?
• Is my happiness dependent on another person’s opinion of me?
• Do I feel spiritually happy?
• Is my life full of abundantly, joyful relationships?
• Do I spend time doing things that make me feel happiest?
• Am I spending time on what I value the most?
• Is there anything I’d like to eliminate from my life that disrupts my sense of happiness?
• What was one of my happiest moments, days, years? What made it so happy?
• Make a list of my “feel good” thoughts and fondest memories.
• Am I trying to buy happiness in any area of my life?
• Who do I feel the happiest spending time with and why?
• What does happiness feel like to me?
• How important is radiating a sense of happiness to my success?
• What is my “color” of happiness?
• What gets in the way of my happiness?
• Do I think that happiness lies within me?
• Is my level of happiness based on accumulating material possessions, wealth, status or things?
• Do I feel that happiness is a choice, a goal or a desire?
• Do I believe that my degree of happiness is dependent upon something I need to accomplish and then if I don’t accomplish that, do I feel I don’t deserve to be happy until I do?

Carol: I believe those will certainly help us get some clarity and aid with finding some joy and happiness as we get clear, let go and open up to possibilities.

What are the three most important things for one to be happy, Karyn?

Karyn: Remember that:

• Happiness is not dependent upon one’s circumstances, but upon one’s own choice of attitude.
• We are not responsible for anyone else’s happiness; nor is anyone else responsible for ours.
• Happiness is a choice that only we can make.

Carol: What are some of the ways that you assist your clients in rediscovering a lost sense of happiness?

Karyn: When someone receives a session, it gives them an opportunity to feel nurtured, loved and honored. Just feeling valued brings a sense of worth to a client. Accessing all five senses in a “Joy Coaching Session” gives the heart, the mind and the body an opportunity to experience the gift of feeling nurtured. Feeling nurtured, valued and honored are key elements to feeling happy.

carol a santella

Carol A Santella is a Credibility, Recognition and Trust Building Positioning Strategist and Consultant for Individuals and Business Owners. A Best Selling Author, Health Consultant, and Publisher, Carol is also a Radio Show Host for Business Innovators Radio, Host and Founder of Inside with Carol covering Innovators and Trendsetting Influencers in the Fields of Business, Health and Wellness, Medicine, Leadership and Animal Related Industries. Carol is also a Contributor to Business Innovators Magazine, Small Business Trendsetters and the Founder of the Health and Wellness Leaders and Influencers Group; The Entrepreneur Exchange and is world renowned for her Acknowledgment and Recognition Model of those who stand out above the rest and assisting them with The Power of Positioning TM. Carol is the founder and operator of The Listener Network which now encompasses her health, communications, publishing and business consulting work.