Jalma Mesnick Marcus Quantum Alignment System Organizational Development to Quantum Form

My real passion is healing our fractured siloed organizations. Without viewing the system as a whole, we will continue to rush to solutions that only address symptoms. The Quantum Alignment System marries holistic nursing theories, principles, values and standards with quantum theory of energy and consciousness to help organizations achieve better levels of health by creating an environment where caring and health can emerge and thrive. By nursing the organization, connecting the people, processes and external environments, we create an opportunity for the organization to heal. It becomes a holistic performance improvement activity like selfcare to the individual.

CS: Thank you for that. Now a bit more of the “quantum” aspect of your system please Jalma.

Jalma: In the body, all of us have similar parts…organs, endocrines, muscles, etc. In organizations, there are also parts. The Quantum Alignment System is a tool that identifies 4 major categories that can be likened to body systems. I call them the 4 C’s: Clarity, Connection, Compassion and Credibility.

These four categories have further parts. The Quantum Alignment System addresses people, processes, structures and relationships. Relationships to each other, to the whole organization, as well as the environment, within which that organization functions just like in the body. Everyone’s headache isn’t caused by the same things. So, with organizations, every accident, every sales drop is not created by the same interactions. Thus, the Quantum Alignment System can identify those unique interactions and identify what kind of intervention would be helpful to change the system.

Every single organization is unique as to how those parts interact. It’s about interconnecting a variety of different complex interactions, that at a quantum level and with very little effort, create a big result. If you focus on only one part of an organization rather than considering the part in relationship to the whole, you’re basically missing opportunities.

In 1937, Albert Szent-Gyorgi was given the Nobel Prize in physics for identifying Vitamin C. He said: “In every culture, in every medical situation and in every tradition before us, health was accomplished by moving energy.” It’s all about that congruent harmony working in a state of aligned action mentioned earlier. In scientific terms, it has been identified that when focus, observation occurs on an area, that observation influences the result. This observation is a form of energy that cannot be seen or touched, but is a powerful force. The Quantum Alignment System focuses/observes an organizational part resulting in supporting the behavior of the part which in turn influences the whole.

CS: I see that.

Jalma: I just had a thought, Carol, which I think is very interesting, that my name is a result of parts coming together in a congruent harmony, because my parents put their first two names together and resulted in my name.

CS: You’ve been blessed since the day you were born with uniqueness Jalma. There you go. Alignment and energy and things being synergistic. Look at that. Creativity, innovation, there you are. Jalma, you didn’t even tell me that one before. That’s pretty amazing.

Jalma: I know. That one just came to me.

Carol: What you did share with me was a story when you were only 3 years old. I will say it again: innovative, systems thinking, curiosity about how things work and work together, your life, your work, your experiences and now the Quantum Alignment System all can be related to that story Jalma. The wheels of that mind of yours were working along these lines even then.

Jalma, let’s interject this great story about a yellow rain coat, hat and galoshes here so everyone can share in its relevance. It’s going to pull everything together about how you think and have for many years. So, if you don’t mind, can you share it again now?

Jalma: Yes. I love this story. I actually remember this. I was three years old. My parents had just returned home after serving in the military in WW II. My mom was a Navy Nurse and my dad a medic. We lived in a little three room house in Dorchester, Massachusetts where the Kennedy Library is now located.

I remember one day while watching the rain, taking a chair and putting it so that I could look out the window. I watched the rain drops drip down on the window like little rivers. Then I looked through the window at the rain drops in the back yard making puddles.

I noticed that the dirt was getting muddier and muddier and muddier. I decided right at that minute, I looked at everything and I said: “I’m going to make stones.” I got off the chair. I walked over to where all my coats hung. This was a long time ago. We had little yellow slickers with little clasps that we could put on ourselves and we had galoshes. I put my slicker on, my galoshes and my hat. I was almost ready to go and make stones. One more thing was needed.

I walked into the living room and I said to my mother, as she tied my hat because I didn’t know how to tie yet: “I want to go outside. I want to make stones.” She stared at me. I remember her staring at me. She said: “Why do you want to do that?” I looked at her, cocked my head and I said: “because I want to make stones. There’s stone stuff outside and I want to make stones.” She said, “There’s stone stuff?” I said: “Yeah, and you have to get me a cookie pan and a spoon. The same cookie pan we use when we bake chocolate chip cookies.”

carol a santella

Carol A Santella is a Credibility, Recognition and Trust Building Positioning Strategist and Consultant for Individuals and Business Owners. A Best Selling Author, Health Consultant, and Publisher, Carol is also a Radio Show Host for Business Innovators Radio, Host and Founder of Inside with Carol covering Innovators and Trendsetting Influencers in the Fields of Business, Health and Wellness, Medicine, Leadership and Animal Related Industries. Carol is also a Contributor to Business Innovators Magazine, Small Business Trendsetters and the Founder of the Health and Wellness Leaders and Influencers Group; The Entrepreneur Exchange and is world renowned for her Acknowledgment and Recognition Model of those who stand out above the rest and assisting them with The Power of Positioning TM. Carol is the founder and operator of The Listener Network which now encompasses her health, communications, publishing and business consulting work.