Karyn: Yes. I never sought for alimony, not even child support in any of those departures. I have only turned to the Savior to find greater peace and purer love in the process. Hence…all the songs I have written about “The Pure Love of Christ.” I have written many, many songs to comfort the broken hearted and grieving. I believe that divorce can often times be as devastating as a death of a loved one because it is the death of the dream of a “Happily-ever-after.”
Carol: So “Pure Love in the Mourning” means?
Karyn: It means being true to yourself no matter how you are being treated. It means having a pure enough love for yourself to not accept abuse and to get out of relationships that are harmful to your spirit, your soul, your health or possibly even your life. It means not seeking revenge, but finding that, in God, we have a greater source of pure love who can offer us the needed and added strength to overcome all kinds of heartbreaks. It means being true to the one you have made covenants with (if you are in a marriage) and if you must say “Good Bye,” then do it with God and angels on your side. It means never lowering yourself or your standards to another person’s level just to get even. It means seeking refuge in the Lord; never revenge or retaliation. It means becoming better at loving…never bitter.
Carol: Words of wisdom Karyn, truly. I often share that I believe our world is so “positively” love and touch deprived. Notice I specified “positively.” There is a lot of ugliness in the world. What you shared, what I have referred to as “words of wisdom,” I am so in agreement with. Again, hard lessons learned and some that I personally wish I had just understood years before I did… It’s a good work that I believe we are doing here Karyn. I trust we will reach and help many overcome the many hurts of life and love.
May I ask, Karyn, are you happily married now or are you happily single?
Karyn: There’s a song that’s sung by Vanessa Williams called, “Save the Best for Last.” That’s what God has done for me. Each time my heart got broken, I didn’t cast my fears to the world, I brought my whole heart and soul back to God and laid them on the alter. I don’t believe, even after eight marriages, that I have a fractured, torn or broken heart. That’s the beautiful thing about bringing your broken heart to God. He is the ultimate Heart Surgeon! He can give you a brand new heart! God brought me a “ninth chance” when He brought me my “ninth” husband. He is the sweetest, dearest, best thing that has ever happened to me!
Carol: smiling I guess then that the answer is yes. You are married and it sounds quite happily this time.
Karyn: I have been practicing a long time…on how to get “love” right. Hopefully, this time, I shall succeed with flying colors! All I know is that I am going to give this marriage ALL I’ve got! And that’s a lot because I haven’t found too many men who wanted to grow a “pure love” with me.
Carol: I hope that this time you have found your best love!
Do you still believe in “happily ever afters” then Karyn?
Karyn: I do! But, I believe that it is something that two people must create together! One person can break a marriage. One person can hold it together, even when it’s being ripped apart at the seams. What I have learned, in my accumulated experiences, is that it takes TWO to co-create the greatest love of all! God has given my ninth chance, with an incredibly honest and integral man, in the ninth inning of my life to finally hit a home run! Believe me…when I do, God and His angels will cheer!
Carol: Karyn, I sincerely trust that you have been blessed this time with your “forever love!”
Is there something you’d like to mention to our readers that we haven’t discussed today, or any words of advice that offer Pure Love in the Mourning?
Karyn: Well…I’d probably sing that bit of counsel. May I?
Carol: Absolutely. We have mentioned in previous conversations that you are a singer and songwriter. It would be great to hear your voice and listen to the words of your song.
Karyn: Thank you. Listen to the song I wrote after realizing I had not asked enough questions of the men I thought I had fallen in love with….
Link: Song: Pure Love
https://www.joycoachingamerica.com/healers-touch-vocal-clips Clip #8 Pure Love Clip
Carol: Thank you. How beautiful. I look forward to our get together next month when we discuss: Peace in the Mourning
To contact Karyn Lynn Grant, learn more about her music or available CDs, contact her at: