Peace in the Mourning March Issue in the 2019: The Year of Joy Series

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As we reflect upon our divine roles in the 21st Century, with its many demands, challenges and diversities, our goal is to continue offering solutions, insights and joyful opportunities for our readers. This month’s interview topic is: “Peace in the Mourning,” the second article in our 2019 Year of Joy Series and Karyn Lynn Grant’s “Joy in the Mourning” Grief Coaching Program.

The American Family is under attack. We have all experienced feelings of emotional duress with the rise of contention in marriages, homes and families. For many women, the battle wages within the walls of their own hearts, homes and families. Too many tender hearts are being broken. Children are being separated from parents whose hearts have been torn apart through divorce and the aftershock. Addictions of all kinds vie for the attention of our teenagers, spouses, parents, friends and even our little children! In short, this beautiful nation, “America,” is weeping for her citizens who are suffering from the spirit of broken-heartedness.

Living in this world can be challenging to say the least. The sacred art of reawakening those we love to a sense of their own worth and divinity has been muted and even silenced in some homes and in some families by the voices of this world. This world’s conflict and contention is truly disturbing our sense of inner peace.

Join us now as we address “Peace in the Mourning.”

Carol: Hi, Karyn. It’s so good to meet with you again! I’m enjoying each of our talks so much.

I’d first like to mention that our talk last month re: love was truly incredible. You shared openly about many of the varying facets of love, heartbreak and how you’ve overcome and equally shared many insights and tips for guiding our readers to find joy after lost loves, hurts and more.

Today we are going to dive into the topic, “Peace in the Mourning,” a part of your “Joy In The Mourning” work since 2014. For those who may be just joining us, and possibly have missed the first installment of our Year of Joy Series, let’s begin by briefly reviewing what “Joy In The Mourning” is?

Karyn: I am excited to share this with you and our readers today. “Joy in the Mourning” is the “Grief Coaching Program” that I have designed to assist those who are mourning for any reason. This program assists clients to begin realizing that in every trial, there are blessings in disguise. Notice the spelling of the word “mourning.” This suggests to the mind that we can discover something positive even while we are going through something uncomfortable, painful or even traumatic.

The “Joy in the Mourning” Program encourages participants to:
1. Acknowledge the unexpressed pain that has been left lingering in their hearts and minds.
2. To express themselves through writing and releasing their heartache openly and honestly.
3. To use “The Healer’s Touch” Vocal CD and the accompanying blends of essential oils, offered in the program, in a deep meditation process for nurturing their hearts through times of heartache in a relaxation therapy session.
4. To allow their sorrow to gracefully transition into a quiet acceptance and peace.
5. To move through the stages of grief without resistance, recognizing that each stage is important.

There are 12 classes in this “Joy In The Mourning” program that deal with different ways to weather the storms of life. We can learn to face our trials and challenges with other attributes as well, such as: “Faith in the Mourning,” “Hope in the Mourning,” “Peace in the Mourning,” “Love in the Mourning …” each of which constitutes a monthly topic in our 2019 Year of Joy Series.

Carol: Thank you. Focusing then on “Peace in the Mourning,” what is “Peace in the Mourning,” Karyn?

Karyn: “Peace in the Mourning” is one of the many books I have written as part of this grief coaching program. It is for those who are trying to regain emotional-spiritual equilibrium in their hearts, minds, bodies and spirits.

Carol: Was there a life event of your own that brought about the idea of “Peace In The Mourning?”

Karyn: As far as one single life event, I would have to say that after going through my first divorce from my children’s father, I knew that I needed something deeply reconnecting in order to heal my own broken heart. I prayed for a solution, not willing to go on anti-depressants, because I am too sensitive to medication. As I poured out the heartache I felt about my “little girl dream of a happily-ever-after” with my husband and children all living joyfully under the same roof, I expressed to God that I needed a way to mend my broken heart. There is no pain as deep as heart-pain! I have suffered a broken arm and other injuries. Nothing hurts like a broken heart!

So, one day, after deep prayer, and many tears, I fell asleep on my bed. As I slept, I dreamt that women were nurturing the wounds of my heart. They were singing and using special blends of aromatherapy that they called by name. They whispered the names of the blends and told me that when I would awaken, I would write songs with the same names of the blends. They whispered to me in my dream that by using all five senses, this could create new pathways of healing for my heart and mind. They told me that I would not have to use medication or pharmaceuticals to get through this painful time.

carol a santella

Carol A Santella is a Credibility, Recognition and Trust Building Positioning Strategist and Consultant for Individuals and Business Owners. A Best Selling Author, Health Consultant, and Publisher, Carol is also a Radio Show Host for Business Innovators Radio, Host and Founder of Inside with Carol covering Innovators and Trendsetting Influencers in the Fields of Business, Health and Wellness, Medicine, Leadership and Animal Related Industries. Carol is also a Contributor to Business Innovators Magazine, Small Business Trendsetters and the Founder of the Health and Wellness Leaders and Influencers Group; The Entrepreneur Exchange and is world renowned for her Acknowledgment and Recognition Model of those who stand out above the rest and assisting them with The Power of Positioning TM. Carol is the founder and operator of The Listener Network which now encompasses her health, communications, publishing and business consulting work.