Tammy Dickeson of Oklahoma Pain? Inflammation? Stress? Options That Help Your Body Heal Naturally

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I had the pleasure of talking with Tammy Dickeson, owner of the multidisciplined Lymphatic Health & Massage Clinic located in Oklahoma. Part of her valuable work includes Joy Coaching®. Join us now as we discuss “options that help your body heal naturally from pain, stress and inflammation” among others.

Carol: Welcome, Tammy.

Tammy: Thank you so much Carol. I’m excited to meet with you today.

Carol: There are so many hurting in many areas of life today. It sounds you do such needed work. Will you share with our readers how the Lymphatic Health and Massage Clinic came to be and how Joy Coaching® became a part of the work you do?

Tammy: I became a massage therapist purely because I am addicted to learning. I just can’t get enough. I actually had no intention of ever doing this as a career. I just wanted to learn it. I thought I might use it to help out my own family, but I never thought I would work on anyone else.

While at massage school, a longtime friend who was a chiropractor, kept trying to convince me to work on her clients. After several months of asking, she finally convinced me to work on “one” client as a favor to her.

One client eventually turned into 6 years of working with her before I separated and created Lymphatic, Health, and Massage Clinic. Another friend of mine developed breast cancer toward the end of my time at massage school. She requested I look into lymphatic massage because her doctors were telling her it was the only safe type of massage for her to get since she had lymph nodes removed during surgery. She could not find any therapists in our area that had the necessary training though, so she was having to travel out of state for it. After learning more about this modality, I fell in love with this powerful technique. At this point, 90% of my clients come for lymphatic drainage.

The newest addition to my menu of services is Joy Coaching®. I love this modality as well. It has made an amazing difference in my life and for my youngest son. I really feel it was something I was led to by God. I am excited to see the difference it can make in the lives of those who God chooses to send my way.

Carol: I understand Joy Coaching® is a faith-based program. Is that why you chose it?

Tammy: I chose to do this program because I felt God direct me to it. It has greatly improved my life and that of my family and my business by helping me improve my relationship with God in ways I didn’t know to.

Carol: What is your driving force or your “why” for the work you do?

Tammy: I love helping people. I always have. Honestly, it helps me keep my sanity. I love hearing people’s stories and how what I do helps them and their families live happier, fuller lives.

Carol: What is your purpose in doing /offering this work?

Tammy: My purpose is to help people get their lives back so they can get back to becoming the people they were meant to be; to fulfill their own life’s mission.

Carol: More specifically, who is that you help and how do you help them?

Tammy: A large majority of my lymphatic clients fall into 4 main categories:
1) People with lymphedema, usually Cancer survivors
2) People with autoimmune diseases
3) Pre and Postsurgical clients
4) People who are looking to improve their overall health.

Lymphatic does 5 basic things:
1) Reduces Pain
2) Reduces Inflammation
3) Boosts the Immune System, helping it function properly
4) Boosts the Metabolism
5) Flushes Toxins

Carol: So, your ideal client, may be?

Tammy: I generally work mostly with people who are health conscious or wanting to improve their lives in some way. Someone who wants a better life and is willing to put a little time and effort into the process and believes that with God, anything is possible.

Many of these people deal with chronic pain or inflammation or high amounts of stress. Often my clients are discouraged or overwhelmed with what life has presented them and are looking for a solution that does not involve more medications.

Carol: I mentioned that the clinic and your work is multidisciplined. Would you like to expand upon this?

Tammy: I also see clients in a wide variety of other modalities including craniosacral therapy, deep tissue, hot stone, foot zoning, visceral manipulation, precision neuromuscular therapy, cupping, and, my newest edition, Joy Coaching®.

Anyone can benefit from Joy Coaching® because it is relaxation therapy. Who wouldn’t benefit from time to rejuvenate while enjoying peaceful, Christ-centered music, a soft gentle and kind touch, and beautiful aromatherapy. A Joy Coaching® session is very soothing to the soul.

Carol: How did you learn of Joy Coaching® America?

Tammy: I met Karyn Lynn Grant, LMT at a doTerra convention. I felt drawn to talk to her the first day I saw her, but she was busy with other people. I went home and prayed about why it was important for me to be at convention that year and really felt it was because I needed to meet her and that I needed to do her entire program. At that time, I had no idea what that meant. I just knew I needed to do everything she had to offer. I went back the next day planning to wait until she had time to talk. We talked for a long time and I really felt like we had known each other for a long time and were great friends. I knew I had a lot I could learn from her.

carol a santella

Carol A Santella is a Credibility, Recognition and Trust Building Positioning Strategist and Consultant for Individuals and Business Owners. A Best Selling Author, Health Consultant, and Publisher, Carol is also a Radio Show Host for Business Innovators Radio, Host and Founder of Inside with Carol covering Innovators and Trendsetting Influencers in the Fields of Business, Health and Wellness, Medicine, Leadership and Animal Related Industries. Carol is also a Contributor to Business Innovators Magazine, Small Business Trendsetters and the Founder of the Health and Wellness Leaders and Influencers Group; The Entrepreneur Exchange and is world renowned for her Acknowledgment and Recognition Model of those who stand out above the rest and assisting them with The Power of Positioning TM. Carol is the founder and operator of The Listener Network which now encompasses her health, communications, publishing and business consulting work.