Tammy Dickeson of Oklahoma Pain? Inflammation? Stress? Options That Help Your Body Heal Naturally

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Carol: How did you decide to become certified as a “Joy Coach”? I knew I would be getting certified from the very beginning, before I even knew what that meant. I just knew God wanted me to do the whole thing, whatever that entailed.

Carol: How has Joy Coaching® America benefitted your life personally and/or professionally?

Tammy: I just started offering Joy Coaching® in my practice, so it has not really had time to affect me much professionally, but it has affected me personally in so many ways. My favorite person to share about the effect this has had though is my own son. We adopted a little boy a few years ago. He had been through a lot in the short time before we got him; a lot of hurt and anger. Even as an infant he hated to hear any type of peaceful music. He would start screaming and crying if I tried to sing to him or play a lullaby. He seemed to think the music at church was all torture.

As he got older, he would always run out of the children’s program at church if he could, and if he couldn’t, he would create as many problems as possible so he could get taken to a parent as soon as the music portion of the class started. I had tried everything I could think of and things were not improving at all. Then I met Karyn and felt inspired to become a “Joy Coach”.

I used the Lullaby Connection with my son. I fully expected him to react the same way as he had to everything else I had tried, but instead he loved her music. He asked for his own copy and CD player to listen to while he went to sleep at night. He asked me to play the CDs in the car while we drove to school in the mornings. Over the course of a few weeks, he started having less problems in the church children’s program. He even started asking me to sing him some of the songs he learned there. It has been an amazing impact on him and on our family.

Joy Coaching® has also had a positive impact on a couple of my daughters who suffer from chronic mood issues and chronic pain.

The biggest impact though has been in my life. During the last 6 months of 2019 and the first week of 2020, I experienced some significant neurological symptoms that were degenerating rapidly. The neurologist told me, at one point, that she suspected I had an aggressive form of multiple sclerosis. There were days I could not even brush my own hair because I did not have the motor control necessary. There were times I fell in stores or had to have assistance walking or driving. I was in a lot of pain on a daily basis. By the last couple months of the year, we strongly suspected I would not be able to work much longer. Thankfully, the tests came back that I did not have multiple sclerosis and no one ever did figure out what caused the symptoms I was having.

The 8th of January was the last day I had any symptoms. They just simply disappeared and I have been fully functional since. During those 6 months, most people were surprised by my positive attitude. For someone who has struggled with clinical levels of mood issues for most of my life, it was really surprising, to most people who know me, how well I was able to handle what was going on.
I credit the Joy Coaching® that I was doing daily as to why it was so easy for me to handle most of the time. My resiliency has improved significantly. I have a wonderful team of other “Joy Coaches” who are great friends I can turn to when things get hard to deal with.

Also, my relationship with my Savior has improved dramatically and is what helped me through. I had complete trust in Him and in His plan for me. Occasionally, I would feel sad or scared, as anyone would, but in general I really was ok. Most important, I am happier with who I am and have confidence in my relationship with and value to my Savior.

Carol: As the Joy Coaching® America Program focuses on reducing stress, through deep relaxation, accessing the 5 senses, aromatherapy, music and more, I can see how it would be beneficial in anyone’s life.

Tammy: I don’t know anyone who doesn’t deal with more stress than they would choose in their life. We live in a fast-paced world and are exposed to all kinds of environmental stresses and toxins. Joy Coaching® is a great way to take a little time for yourself and offset some of that damage. Instead of just coping by watching a show or playing a game, take the time to actually rejuvenate your body and mind so you can get the most out of your life.

Carol: Describe the outcome you help your clients achieve?

Tammy: While lymphatic work is not a cure and there are no guarantees, generally my clients enjoy either a delay in the progress of the difficult symptoms they are experiencing or a reversal of those symptoms. For example, I have had several clients with lymphedema who came to me after their doctors and physical therapist had told them that their condition was as good as it was going to get. They were very discouraged. Over time, most have seen an additional decrease in size and improved function of their affected limb. Another example, I have seen clients with an autoimmune disease whose symptoms slowly began to reverse and others who the degenerative nature of their autoimmune disease slowed significantly.

carol a santella

Carol A Santella is a Credibility, Recognition and Trust Building Positioning Strategist and Consultant for Individuals and Business Owners. A Best Selling Author, Health Consultant, and Publisher, Carol is also a Radio Show Host for Business Innovators Radio, Host and Founder of Inside with Carol covering Innovators and Trendsetting Influencers in the Fields of Business, Health and Wellness, Medicine, Leadership and Animal Related Industries. Carol is also a Contributor to Business Innovators Magazine, Small Business Trendsetters and the Founder of the Health and Wellness Leaders and Influencers Group; The Entrepreneur Exchange and is world renowned for her Acknowledgment and Recognition Model of those who stand out above the rest and assisting them with The Power of Positioning TM. Carol is the founder and operator of The Listener Network which now encompasses her health, communications, publishing and business consulting work.