8. Eighth, I am accepting the blessing in disguise and the opportunity to become stronger, more aware, more appreciative of the natural gifts that God has given to me which I did not fully realize until they became jeopardized by my fall.
9. Ninth, I am thankful to transfer all this “wisdom” to other areas of my life where I may have invited the spirit of regret to take up lodging in my mind-brain and to graciously invite it to leave and make room for greater joy in life’s ups and downs and highs and lows.
10. Tenth, I am choosing to foster and cultivate “A Joyful Brain”. I am more compassionate when I hear about other’s injuries of any type realizing that every aspect of our body is a gift from God and that I must never take any aspect of my body for granted again.
Carol: Oh, the wisdom you have been experiencing and acquiring since your accident. Wisdom that has been evident with positive changes for your Joy Coaches, loved ones, friends and community.
Are there any thoughts you’d like to share, at this time, that perhaps we have not touched upon?
Karyn: Yes, in summary, I would like to express that no matter how we “fall,” whether physically, emotionally, mentally, socially, financially or spiritually, we can always rise again. It is through our “sad experiences” in this life that we grow the most. Surely, there can be gifts of wisdom in times of mourning by learning to cultivate the talent for turning regret into greater resiliency!
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. Proverbs 3:5
To find out more about Karyn Lynn Grant and Joy Coaching America, visit www.joycoachingamerica.com or
FaceBook: Joy Coaching America: Nurturing Hearts, Homes & Families
Karyn’s music is also now on her new app by going to Itunes and search for Karyn Lynn Grant.