An Interview with Lydie Cerantola-Eid, Healer and creator of the Game Changer Deck

1.Tell us about your journey! What led you to this point? 

I wasn’t born in good health and have had to endure chronic health conditions my entire life. I was constantly left feeling defeated by GPs and specialists who were of little to no help. So, I set out to become my own wellbeing professional and personal development expert when no other solutions could be found. 

Over two decades, I have researched, refined, created and tested tools that help me manage my own health conditions and help others, too, whether or not they have lost hope in finding solutions.

I was also taught Tarot and card readings as a teenager when my grand-aunt realized I had the gift, but I developed a love/hate relationship with the field. The whole paradigm did not sit well with my psychological makeup, as the cards’ interpretation varies greatly, depending on the mindset and values of the person doing the readings.

Fed up with power-tripping readers who were delivering a disempowering experience to clients, I tried to stay away from it all, only to spend three decades buying various kinds of decks, using them once or twice, then giving them away in boxes of two to three kilos. 

As a way of working on my mindset and incorporating my gift at the same time, three years ago I created the Game Changer card deck. It helped me to manage my perceptions during my most physically and mentally agonising health episodes, during which the pain levels endured would leave me suicidal for weeks on end. 

2. What has been your biggest achievement? 

The Game Changer Deck of course! Back in 2018, I started it as a labour of love, when I set out to reinvent the wheel and create my own deck. 

I knew from the outset that it had to give crystal clear guidance and be intuitively simple without being too simplistic. I wished for the deck to manifest itself overnight out of thin air, but of course that didn’t happen. Inspiration came in bursts. I would feel stumped for weeks, thinking it couldn’t be done – but a part of me wouldn’t let go.

Thankfully, I eventually proved myself wrong, and the deck was born out of a long-standing determination to persist, no matter what hurdles were thrown my way. And, believe me, there were many! I dealt with printing dramas, formatting issues, shipping errors, and multiple revised and discarded drafts for eight months before I was finally happy with my deck. 

Having never created a deck before, I had no idea how much extra work was needed beyond illustrating the images and writing the text. I really felt like I was thrown in at the deep end. But, when I finally received the decks, had them in my hand, and could really see all my work come to fruition, it was a glorious moment. 

Now, I find it so rewarding to see others use my deck and get as much benefit from it as I had hoped. My original driving force was to help myself and others remain sane, uncover inner guidance, and move forward as a way of overcoming challenges, with or without chronic health conditions. 

3. What’s the biggest result you help your clients achieve? 

Helping clients to really get to know themselves and achieve rapid breakthroughs in one to three sessions is my specialty! Whether it’s relationships or health-related issues, I help to give my clients a life upgrade. 

It’s incredibly rewarding to see them break through so quickly! Hearing how their life gets turned around in such a short amount of time is the most rewarding thing ever. As the saying goes: “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” 

The results my clients get are long-lasting because, during the sessions, they get the skillsets needed to confidently go forward, trust their intuition, feel empowered, and make the most of life as they head boldly into their brightest future. 

I once got some amazing feedback from a client who, tragically, had tried to commit suicide a few times, and I think it perfectly sums up how I get the results that I do:

“I suffered from severe guilt, shame and inner turmoil for years over something I could do nothing about. Sessions with a psychologist in 2004 didn’t alleviate the feelings and hypnotherapy sessions five years ago made little difference. In the meantime, I wasn’t doing any better, and on four occasions I tried to end it all. So, my best friend insisted I see Lydie; after all, what did I have to lose? So I did.  I found it so easy talking to her. She is very thorough and nothing is taboo. Being listened to is deeply healing when you bottle up issues for most of your life.

“When our first session was finished, I couldn’t find any trace of the dark and heavy cloud that had weighed me down for so many years! I kept on looking for the guilt that had been plaguing me for so long and it was nowhere to be found… Gone, completely vanished – in ONE session! It was the most spiritual experience a person could have, and I just wish more people could have it. Give her a go and you’ll wish you had sooner!”

4.  What would be your biggest piece of advice for readers who want to achieve the same? 

Luana Ribeira

Luana Ribeira is a best selling author, international speaker and host of business Innovators Radio.