HG: What is the difference that people have in their lives after achieving the outcome by working with you?
BK: I experience a level of love, appreciation, gratitude, confidence and vibrance in their lives that I didn’t see or hear before working with them. I get a feeling that they’re ALIVE once again, that a new found excitement has entered their lives and they’ve reached a new sense of freedom. I’ve also noticed the relationships they begin to have with their loved ones, which becomes passionate once again. A true sense of purpose enters their lives, that may have been lacking when they were battling their addiction, getting back into society and functioning provides a great deal of self worth and happiness I witnessed. I see the light in their eyes and hear it in their voice.
HG: What would you say is the area in business that you are most passionate about and why?
BK: Health, Wellness & Healing without a question. I’m extremely passionate about what I do as a healer – consultant. In addition to that, to be in service is extremely rewarding work and there’s no comparison in my opinion. Knowing that you are potentially saving someone’s life is an emotion that is difficult to even put in words. The relationships you acquire as a result of saving someone from a drug addiction is priceless and I feel very proud to wake up every morning knowing I have a purpose here on this beautiful planet we call GAIA.
HG: What is the drive behind what you do?
BK: The love and compassion I have for humanity. I was once sick with an addiction, I was homeless, I was hurting, I was depressed, and I was trapped in the lower astral realms of existence and I have 1st hand knowledge of what it feels like to be there. I am an empath by nature and I feel deeply for anyone on this planet that is suffering and if I have the tools and the know how to help someone, you better believe I’m going to do whatever I possibly can to do so. My drive is love, I simply love humanity and I want us all to evolve and ascend.
HG: How do you best serve your clients?
BK: There are many ways to best serve a client, however, the ways which mean the most to me are the following:
- To be transparent, to always be honest, trustworthy, and to make myself available to them whenever they need me
- To never judge them, it’s bad enough that the addictive person already has shame and low self esteem
- To provide them with all of the holistic tools necessary so they can heal themselves properly and eventually become reliant upon themselves (independently) one day.
- Again to show them as much love as possible, LOVE is the important factor in the healing process, it’s crucial and will not work efficiently if I don’t love my clients and show them how to love themselves again.
HG: What are some common misconceptions that people have about what you do that you would like people to know?
BK: That yes, holistic medicine is partially metaphysical and there’s a level of belief in spirituality that one must understand in order to completely conceptualize the importance of the healing process. Many skeptics believe that a health or medical practice called “holistic or alternative” is based on untested, untraditional, or unscientific principles, methods, treatments, or knowledge and therefore cannot be legitimate. They believe that most treatments that are called alternative medicine would be more accurately described as alternatives to medicine since they are not really medicine at all, of course that is all based upon opinion and once again skepticism of not believing in spiritual practices.
HG: How do you help people overcome these common misconceptions?
BK: If one does his or her due diligence with regard to researching Holistic Medical Treatment they will realize that it’s achieving a great deal of acceptance in mainstream health professions. It is estimated that “holistic alternative” medicine is a $33 billion a year business (2016). Traditionally, most insurance companies have not covered “alternative” medicine, but American Western Life Insurance Company is typical of a growing trend. It offers a network of about 300 providers in California, Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah specializing in acupuncture, aromatherapy, biofeedback, chiropractic, herbal medicine, massage, naturopathy, reflexology, and yoga, among other therapies. Also, Mutual of Omaha Insurance Co. has reimbursed clients for the costs of a non-surgical “alternative” therapy for heart disease. Dr. Dean Ornish, an internist and director of the Preventive Medicine Research Institute in Sausalito, developed the therapy, which includes a vegetarian diet, meditation, and exercise. Mutual of Omaha was quick to note that they were not opening the door to covering all forms of “alternative” therapies. They considered Dr. Ornish’s treatment to have been proven effective. To me this proves that any skepticism out there should be equally challenged by having holistic treatments done themselves. You’ll never know until you give it a chance. A pessimistic mind will limit your ability to find out the truth.