Business Leader Capri Cruz Interviewed

Business Innovators Magazine: What are 1 or 2 things you would like to say to a prospective client who stumbles across this interview?

CC: Realtor’s are a dime a dozen but excellent REALTOR’S are rare. I am the latter! This will be the largest purchase of your life so it’s up to you to know your POWER! Choose wisely. If you’re in the Atlanta area, choose me. If you need a referral, contact me and I will refer you to a solid real estate agent.

Business Innovators Magazine: To wrap this up, what are you most excited about in the upcoming months in your business?

CC: I’m most excited about my upcoming real estate partnerships and ventures. I absolutely LOVE real estate! And I absolutely LOVE reading personal growth and development books; I own about 400 books myself. So, my future business developments are eagerly anticipated because not only do I get to help families find their ideal home and watch their amazing smiles of victory, but the lives of our nation’s foster youth are going to be positively affected with each real estate venture I endeavor! That is beyond EXCITING to me!! There is no better business for me to be in!


Business Innovators Magazine - National News Syndication