As an alternative, a Consultant could come in, identify what your Digital need is within a set time, and then after that the Client can run with it. This offering might not work for certain organizations, but I think the market is big, and it’s also very expensive, Consultancy is ridiculously expensive! So, in terms of competing on price and for Clients and jobs, there’s a massive potential for Digital Disruption.
Quanta D: Right, right. Which brings me into the next question. This is just flowing so easily, thank you. DigiVue, alright? I got to see the DigiVue conjuring of, for the core values of successful Digital Transformation, also known as the 5Cs Paradigm, ok?
Simon Chan: Right.
Quanta D: I think it’s incredible. I’d just like to get a little bit on that. You have for the 5Cs Paradigm listed on DigiVue for; Customer, Challenge, Collaborate, Creativity, and Costs. Please share a little about that with the rest because I’ve gotten to take a look at it and it’s pretty fascinating regarding Digital Strategy and Transformation. I can see this as something that Quanta D. can utilize as a paradigm to take a good look at everything, you know, and that’s what we plan on doing so,
Q: Would you please just touch a little upon what’s going on with this 5Cs Paradigm. What made DigiVue conjure this up to combat the problems in Digital Strategy and Digital Transformation?
Simon Chan: Sure. Ever since I started out DigiVue, I always had this idea that the market was ready for something new, and with Digital Transformation, if you looked at the actual timeline of Digital Disruption, over the last ten to twenty years, it’s moved at a rapid pace. And what’s happened is that the accumulation of those changes in Technology have actually made it possible to do things quicker with higher quality at a lower price so, I wanted to redefine Digital Consulting with that premise, basically. That if Business can do that, then Consulting can do that as well. And I think that with Digital Transformation, the focus has also shifted as well. So you think about apps and mobile phones and iPads and all the devices that people use to consume content these days, they can have what they want. There is such an amount of choice around there.
Quanta D: Yes, it’s so overwhelming.
Simon Chan: So, there really isn’t any loyalty anymore in particular areas because you can just move from one brand to the other.
Quanta D: Excuse my laughing, it’s honest, brutally, but hilarious in truth.
Simon Chan: Yeah, so, Customer really is king in the Digital Transformation work, and also, it is very important that you find out who they are and that you serve them well, because if you don’t, they will move. You will lose your money, you will lose your revenue. So that’s of importance, so the Customer has to be first, so that is the first core principle.
Quanta D: Yeah.
Simon Chan: So, the second one is Challenge, and this one is also based on Digital Transformation as well.  You can almost challenge anything now, because of the way that things have moved on. So if you think of Finance, if you think of Economics, if you think of even Socializing, right?, it has all changed, beyond recognition, within the last twenty years, that means that all of the models that these things are based can be challenged as well. So we can’t be reading textbooks and thinking that is the way to do things right now.
Quanta D: Exactly.
Simon Chan: You can’t be using a strategy that you read in twenty, thirty years ago, it doesn’t apply anymore. Economics textbooks that were written twenty or thirty years ago, irrelevant. You’ve got to look at what is going on now and you’ve got to challenge what is going on now, and then use the modern methods to work out whether your products are actually hitting the Customer or not, and it doesn’t matter whether you’re emotionally involved with the Customer or not. You have to challenge everything that you do and not rely on models, theories, things that are outdated, and that’s Challenge.
Collaborate goes without saying. In the Digital World, assignments need to be broken down for you to achieve the maximum efficiency with an organization. And this is all about improving Business process but also creating Communities and things like Chat and sites so that the information can be unlocked, and can circulate freely around your organization so that the knowledge circulates freely as well. That’s a very powerful concept. When you think about it, in the old days, the departments and Silos, which is the way organizations have been structured traditionally, they would stop information flows between different Departments. When Silos are broken, this opens up a huge amount of opportunity to integrate solutions, so organizations need to move towards that to unlock their potential but that’s a big cultural change, so Collaborate is third.
Creativity. With all these new tools in place and all these new technologies, you can more or less build what you want. You can source someone to build it but if you’ve got the right Development Team they can build it for you. So, you can be very creative about creating your sources of competitive advantage, Modern Technology allows you to build almost anything, so Creativity is important. And also, once you’ve got something in place, you need to keep exploring, you need to keep changing, and you need to keep inspecting and adapting, inspect and adapt is obviously a common Business cliché that is used. You’ve got to learn fast and learn from your lessons and channel that back into the Strategy process to make sure you keep on improving.