In The Business of Community: The Right Way to Digital Transformation to Expand Business and the Job Market, Simon Chan of DigiVue

The last thing is obviously Costs, and when you think of Technology, the most important thing is to enable that for Business. Once of the reasons I’ve converted into LinkedIn as the main channel is the focus on Cost Control over the last ten to twenty years. I think it’s almost been to the detriment with almost everything else within an organization, there’s been such a financialization and focus on figures that go to the stock market that the people side of organizations has really been left behind. Technology can help you to get out of this bind because it can actually reduce the amount of work-load that your people do, in terms of manual labor.

Quanta D: Right.

Simon Chan: So, you see? The right Technology put in place, integrated well within an organization could actually improve the morale of your workforce because it frees them up to do the value-adding activities, instead of the things that can be automated by a computer. So, if you start doing that, you’ll start to see increases in terms of your workforce output, and that obviously means that you can hire less people. You don’t have to increase your staff, and you’re actually freeing up the capacity from your existing employees. So, I see Technology as a good thing, at the moment, because there are lots of inefficient processes in organizations, and Technology can help you to decrease bottom line costs. And there is always the costs of the Consulting fees too…

Quanta D: Yeah and increase efficiency, right? Yes, definitely. I’m all for that, this is amazing. You know? This also brings, and this is pretty much the last question here, so thank you so much for your time and DigiVue.

Simon Chan: You’re welcome.

Quanta D: We have here, well, one of the reasons, one of the ways that you have got our attention, has to do with a LinkedIn article that you had written. But not only an article, you repurposed it and we love the magical repurposing here at Quanta D, so that’s what got our attention, really got our attention on you,

Q: You took this article and you turned it and repurposed it into a forum discussion, ok?

Simon Chan: Yeah. Yup.

Quanta D: You published this back in, I believe in December 2016 and it looks like it is just continuing to gain momentum. It’s the article that you did that offers Digital Transformation solutions for corporations to transform broken systems of Recruitment in the Recruitment and Hiring process. Just to see how much traction it’s getting, even from back in December and up until now in April, it’s just amazing what you’re doing. Corporate Leaders are very, very busy, this seems like something that is highly beneficial to keep up with and we will continue to keep up with it.

Q: Any words from you having to do with this great traction and your reasons for creating this article and repurposing it into a forum discussion?

Simon Chan: Yeah sure. Obviously labour market economics and business analysis is my background, so writing this on LinkedIn was also utilizing my abilities as a Business Analyst. I had this idea to look at a macro problem and showcase how I would go about solving it via dialogue, which is obviously the Recruitment space I have good experience of this problems as I spent two months looking for a job myself, and obviously I am a well-qualified individual so I didn’t expect to be on the Job Market for that long. But the reality is, I just didn’t get into conversations with the right people, to start off with. And, it took me a long time to get those conversations, over a period of six to eight weeks, in the end. I think that this is part of the problem, there’s just too many Recruiters in the space at the moment so you don’t get the right conversations with the right people, who are connected to the right jobs.

So, I took it upon myself to try and work-out what was going on here and that’s why I started to write the article, to lay down the problems that I see from a Job Candidate point of view, from a Job Candidate angle. I’ve also done Recruitment, in the past as a Hiring Manager, so I was able to articulate the problems there as well, and that’s what really opened up the conversation it looked like I was criticizing the Recruitment Industry, and then, obviously all stakeholders came out, including recruiters and they  offered their views on the actual problem as well, which was great because it opened up everything.

Quanta D: That’s right, that’s what I was just thinking.

Simon Chan: I’ve got people from Recruitment who are my friends as well, who are phoning me and letting me know what they think and it’s great, because I’m able to look at the actual problems from

Quanta D: From both sides, yes, Sir. 

Simon Chan: There are too many people in this process, there is the Hiring Manager, there Is the HR Manager, there is the Job Recruiter and then there is also the Job Candidate, if you look at any one in isolation, you’re not going to solve the problems of Hiring and the Job Market, you need to look at all four.

Quanta D: Incredible, ok. Thank you, again, Mr. Simon Chan and DigiVue Consulting, consulting strategies for Digital Strategy, Digital Transformation, Business and Technology as well.

Ms. J Spearman, Quanta D.

Quanta D. is a Multi-Media Contributor, Writer @ Small Business Trendsetters, Host of Business Innovators Radio syndicating the Online Radio of In.Indie, Spotlight on Natural Health, In the Business of Community. Former Your-Take Contributor @ USA, Independent Journalism entailing 7 Digital News and Publishing Portals covering; the Inspirational, the Unusual and Unique in Originality and Practice in Small Business, Community, Arts, Health, Real Estate, Personal Development, International and Non-Profit events.