Raising The World’s Vibration to Love, Joy and Peace

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The Christ-Centered Music I have written, over 1000 songs & musical meditations, has been created for this purpose. It has been written to solace a broken heart that may have been aching and hardened for years. It’s not a process for everyone, but for those who experience the gift, coupled with God’s unseen healing hand upon their broken heart, it has assisted in performing miracles for the wounded, weary and sad at heart.

When it comes to mending a broken heart, I often tell my clients, “God can’t do this for you without your consent. I can’t assist without your consent. When it comes to raising your vibration to love, joy and peace, it’s really up to you. You gotta wanna!”

Carol: What is your biggest dream for your clients?

My biggest dream for my clients is to assist them as they overcome setbacks caused by heartbreak, heartache, grief and sorrow, due to the aftermath of divorce or the death of a loved one (and many other life challenges). My hope and intention is that once a broken heart is ministered to and mended, that that heart will be INSPIRED to dream again, to love again, to feel joy again!

For me, when I suffered through my own broken-heartedness, it was the Christ-Centered Music which I wrote that filled in the gaping hole in my heart and became, “The Missing Peace.” It is my desire to find those who are in search for “The Missing Peace” in their own lives, to be comforted. As my clients regain their strength, through the course of this blessed ministering work, it would be my greatest joy to see them begin to share the threefold mission of ministering, nurturing and teaching those they love and care about the most.

Carol: What is one of the greatest experiences you have had in a session with a person?

Karyn: There are so many beautiful stories surrounding my work: “The Healer’s Touch Method.” Stories of lives being saved, marriages and romances being rekindled, abuses being resolved and forgiven, faith being renewed in oneself, the courage to live being regained, the mindset of abundance being sensed and achieved, the battle between life and death being conquered, the will to live being reclaimed and so much more!

I have thousands of stories, after performing thousands upon thousands of hours of these sessions, but these must remain confidential. There is one story I can share that comes to mind. It is perhaps one of the most powerful and sacred experiences of my life. It occurred while I was ministering to the men at the prison.

I went there monthly to minister to the men and the women, but one time, after I had shared a message of hope with the music I have written, (I couldn’t take the essential oils with me to the prison), with nearly 100 prisoners gathered in the chapel there, a man stood up at the back of the chapel and exclaimed, “What can we do for you? You have been singing to us and filling us up with faith. Now we want to do something for you!”

I wondered what I could ask of these one hundred men, dressed in white, who had entered that chapel looking sullen and discouraged, but who were now echoing this men’s request with happy, uplifted, kindly smiles!

I thought for a moment and smiled as I announced, “You can sing for me! I have never been serenaded by a chorus of men’s voices before!”

I watched and listened as they conversed among themselves: “What shall we sing to her?” offered one man. “What song do y’all know?” suggested another. “How about ‘Row Row Row Your Boat’?” suggested a third or “Michael, Row Your Boat Ashore!” another voice replied thoughtfully. Then from the back of the room, I heard a very sober kind voice suggest, “How about, ‘I am a Child of God’?”

I was stunned as I thought to myself, how can all these 100 inmates possibly know that song? It was a song I had been taught to love as a little girl, while going to Sunday School. Suddenly, the men broke out in two part harmony. “I am a child of God…and He has sent me here…has given me an earthly home…with parents…kind and dear. Lead me, guide me walk beside me, help me find the way….teach me all that I must do…to live with Him someday.”

As they sang, my heart trembled within and then broke. The tears of these men, as they wept, stirred my soul and I wept with them. One hundred beautiful male voices sang to me with more heart and soul than any men’s choir I have ever heard. They sang acapella, the words to my very own favorite childhood song about Jesus.

As they filed up to me in a long line, they each reached out to me to take my hands and squeeze them in an act of tender gratitude. Whispers of gratitude and “I need your lullabies for my Mama when I get outta here….” and “I need your songs for my truck when I graduate from prison!” further touched my heart. Tears streamed my cheeks, as I listened to them humbly singing those words, while slowly walking back to their cells as they sang to me.

I will never forget their countenances as each one of those men, gazed into my eyes, no more with the expressions of anger, hurt, revenge, frustration or sadness looming in the darkness. It was as if one hundred men were serenading my hidden wounds, wounds caused by my marriage(s) that had ended in divorce and annulment. Marriages that had been broken due to dishonesty or the breaking of sacred vows. It was as if God sent me “a hundredfold” of men to mend my broken heart with one single solitary song, and it all happened in five minutes.

carol a santella

Carol A Santella is a Credibility, Recognition and Trust Building Positioning Strategist and Consultant for Individuals and Business Owners. A Best Selling Author, Health Consultant, and Publisher, Carol is also a Radio Show Host for Business Innovators Radio, Host and Founder of Inside with Carol covering Innovators and Trendsetting Influencers in the Fields of Business, Health and Wellness, Medicine, Leadership and Animal Related Industries. Carol is also a Contributor to Business Innovators Magazine, Small Business Trendsetters and the Founder of the Health and Wellness Leaders and Influencers Group; The Entrepreneur Exchange and is world renowned for her Acknowledgment and Recognition Model of those who stand out above the rest and assisting them with The Power of Positioning TM. Carol is the founder and operator of The Listener Network which now encompasses her health, communications, publishing and business consulting work.