Sarah Salabor Naturopathic Physician Discusses The Customization of The Gut Hormone Connection

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Carol: Is there anything that arises that keeps patients from taking action?

Sarah: It depends on what happened and if they’ve done this for a long time. Then they’re like: “Well, I’ve tried everything. How is this different?” In addition to what I have shared about the evaluation and customization, I’ve been through everything. I understand. I’ve seen and experienced a lot myself and I know what causes those feelings.

Carol: You have mentioned several times that you can relate because of things you’ve been through yourself. Care to elaborate a bit?

Sarah: Basically, I’ve had gut issues. I’ve had the trauma. I experienced the detoxification issues and the gene issues and all of that stuff. I’ve seen how it’s all interconnected and the treatments as well. I’ve been through so many different treatments that have not worked. This is how I figured out what to do. Trial and error. I was the guinea pig for everybody else.

Carol: Sadly, I can relate. Not strictly with gut issues, but other serious issues and all that goes along with illness or health conditions from all we can experience not only physically, but emotionally, spiritually and financially. It’s one reason why I do the work I do as well. The more we can help and as many as possible is key!

Carol: Is there anything that prospective patients don’t share because they’re afraid to?

Sarah: I think so. I think there’s more to it that I’m not picking up on yet. One of my first patients really was open with me and that was awesome, especially when she did her initial paperwork. She filled it out so much it was like a map for me. I was able to see the whole picture: there’s a breadcrumb. Here’s another breadcrumb. Here’s another one and I was able to put it all together. I knew what was going on and I knew what to go order for tests and where to start with her.

Then I get patients who are kind of scattered because they’re just so sick and so traumatized that I have to read into it just a little bit, with my intuition, though. I’m not doing it based off education. I’m doing it with my gut feeling. I feel it in my gut that this is what’s going on with them and this is what we have to fix. Usually, it’s right before I go to bed, too, and I know what to do. I know this is what the problem is for sure, and this is what we’re going to fix. I’m still working on their case even when I am not directly speaking or working with them.

Carol: Is there a lesson that you’ve learned from your past experiences, personally and/or professionally that you carry through to today in your work?

Sarah: The biggest one I think is just I don’t put people in boxes. I don’t make them cookie cutter molds or anything like that. You are unique and special for a reason. We have to figure out why you’re responding the way you are to food or to whatever it is and fix it. Not putting people in boxes has been a huge one for me.

Carol: What do you think you’d like your legacy to be? That’s my signature question.

Sarah: Yeah. I just want to make a difference. I want to make a big impact for people with their health and have almost an awakening in this field to get people to realize that this is what health is all about. This is where we have to go to get back to health. I think that’s my biggest thing right now is I want people to understand and stop causes before it gets to where it was for me or for others I’ve seen so far.

If people can be more mindful and watch their stress levels and be able to manage better and be able to get helpful information out to people, it would help a lot in the long run with their gut and their health in general. So that’s kind of my biggest thing is I’ve always tried to be an awareness advocate of things. Share what you need to watch out for. This is not what our bodies were meant to tolerate, like chemicals and stuff like that. It’s always been something that’s been very dear to my heart because of what it’s done to me. It completely turned my life upside down and I know a lot of people that I grew up with would have probably committed suicide already because of what I’ve dealt with on my own. It’s just something that I want people to kind of avoid and never have to deal with.

Carol: Understood. Speaking of sharing and informing, I understand you have a free guidebook that is available from your website. Is that correct?

Sarah: Yes. I have a free guide that helps to explain the HPA axis with the hormones and gut health, along with some points that someone can start doing to help themselves. When you go to my website and sign up for my subscription list, you’ll get a free guidebook. Just enter an email at the bottom of the homepage. It will sign you up and you’ll get an email with the guide attached.

Carol: Great. As we come to a close, are there any tips you’d like to share?

Sarah: Regulating blood sugar, ensuring adequate protein intake, relaxing and de-stressing all contribute to helping gut issues. Getting that stress relief, finding things that are fun for you, that relax you and then prioritizing your sleep and, of course, nourishing the HPA axis, your nervous system and giving it what it needs all will help. Giving it that extra love can make such a difference.

carol a santella

Carol A Santella is a Credibility, Recognition and Trust Building Positioning Strategist and Consultant for Individuals and Business Owners. A Best Selling Author, Health Consultant, and Publisher, Carol is also a Radio Show Host for Business Innovators Radio, Host and Founder of Inside with Carol covering Innovators and Trendsetting Influencers in the Fields of Business, Health and Wellness, Medicine, Leadership and Animal Related Industries. Carol is also a Contributor to Business Innovators Magazine, Small Business Trendsetters and the Founder of the Health and Wellness Leaders and Influencers Group; The Entrepreneur Exchange and is world renowned for her Acknowledgment and Recognition Model of those who stand out above the rest and assisting them with The Power of Positioning TM. Carol is the founder and operator of The Listener Network which now encompasses her health, communications, publishing and business consulting work.