Seventh: Wait patiently for their response. Some people, like apologies, so take more time to move through the process.
Eighth: After agreeing to forgive do not rehearse past mis-behaviors. Let bygones be bygones. Try not to rehash old hurts or reopen old wounds. Moving forward with a clean slate may be easier said than done. Resist the temptation to say, “I told you so!” or “Remember when you did such and such?” Allow people a chance to turn over a new leaf!
Ninth: There is joy in feeling forgiven! There is therefore an equal portion of joy in truly forgiving someone who is aching to be forgiven.
Carol: I so agree!
Carol: Karyn, we have covered so much and your tips and steps and examples have been priceless. I can think of so much more we could cover, discuss and ask, however, for now:
Is there anything you’d like to say in conclusion?
Karyn: In summary, to forgive is definitely a choice. But, sometimes the deep feelings of sorrow, remorse and regret are anchored in by the belief that we cannot change our minds about the way we perceive our past or present or how it will affect our future. I believe that if someone truly wants to experience “a mighty change of heart” they truly can. The first step is to choose onto the path of forgiveness. The second step is to drop the heavy burdens of any unexpressed, hidden and lingering emotion to your Divine Source and let those hidden wounds be cleansed and made whole, once and for all through His matchless love. No one wants to live painfully-ever-after.
Carol: I’m certain we all agree to that!
Carol: At this time, I’d like to add in a sound clip of your song: “Forgiving Heart.” #7 Forgiving Heart Song
Carol: Beautiful! How can people get involved with your Forgiveness work and hear or purchase your beautiful music?
Karyn: I would suggest getting sessions with a Certified Joy Coach and then consider becoming a Certified Joy Coach. Sometimes we just need to give and experience more love in our lives to drown out the sound of past sorrows. Forgiving and Forgetting the past hurts we have all experienced in our own personal journeys comes with “Forgiveness in the Mourning.”
To reach Karyn or find out more about “Forgiveness in the Mourning;” Karyn’s beautiful healing music and her work with Joy Coaching America-Worldwide and Joy Coaching Academy, contact Karyn via: