Founder, Karyn Lynn Grant,LMT Discusses Joy Coaching®America’s Expansion and Its Inclusion of Deep Relaxation Therapy For a World in Need

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Carol: Your music is an integral part of your work and gifts. Did it also play a part in these lessons?

Karyn: It was an inspired flow! I wrote a song-a-day for many years totaling over a thousand songs. How do I describe the generous inspiration that seemed to pour like water through a faucet that could not be turned off? The songs were a merciful manifestation that my prayers were being heard and answered.

The lyrics became a means for creatively, consciously connecting to my own Divine Source of hope, happiness and faith to endure! How does one put into words the natural rhymes, rhythms, seasons and sequences which flowed into my heart during those creative decades? I never doubted that the songs kept flowing during those crucial times, simply because I was asking and willing to receive divine inspiration during difficult seasons in my journey to joy!

Carol, as you know my original faith-based music is a major part of the work that I encourage the “Joy Coaches” to freely use to create a safe, relaxing atmosphere for their clientele. The inspired imagery-inducing lyrics in the songs. The musical meditations were a result of asking God to be guided as to how to rediscover joy in my own personal life, after experiencing the throes of more than one divorce! I was truly and deeply comforted each time a song “downloaded” into my heart I never realized that the very songs and messages that I needed for my own broken heart, would in turn become the very process that would eventually assist in mending the broken hearts of others!

Carol: The titles to your modules are so distinct and unique. How did you come up with those titles?

Karyn: Each of the titles, is essentially the name of one of the songs that I use in that particular module. Like; “Arise, Daughter, Victorious!” was first the name of a song and then evolved into several manuals about overcoming feelings of “victimhood” and arising in your strength and spiritual stature to overcome the past and continue to build upon a glorious future! Each of those modules like “Enlightened Journey: A Woman’s Walk to Wholeness” and “Dancing with Joy” all were first, the title of a song, and became a 10-12 hour course with manuals and materials, music and more!

Carol: How has Joy Coaching® Academy benefitted your life personally and/or professionally?

Karyn: It’s kept my heart pursuing love, joy and peace on a personal level as I have faced challenges as a single parent, a single woman in today’s world, a woman-entrepreneur and beyond! Of all the greatest gifts that I have gleaned from creating this program, it is the sense of knowing that “if it doesn’t work for me, how can it work for anyone else?” I am living proof that this methodology works! My life is filled with love, joy and peace, both personally and professionally, as I work to teach, mentor and inspire other women to be the best version of themselves!

Carol: What do you feel you have overcome via Joy Coaching®?

Karyn: I feel that I have realized my own hidden reservoirs of strength, courage and the will to carry on! When I started this profession, creating Joy Coaching®: A Faith-Based Approach to Wholeness, it was because I couldn’t find anything out there that combined my Christian views and values, towards overcoming sorrow and grief, with the healing arts. I am a very right-brained individual and my work must include the senses. In this program, all senses are accessed; the sense of sight (through guided visualizing) , the sense of smell, through inhaling and breath-work (aromatherapy), the sense of touch (through non-invasive relaxation points), the sense of hearing (positive uplifting music and musical meditations) all combined into a unique method that creates new positive, joyful memories. I am a different person now, in that my life is peace-based, joy-filled and deeply happy after having experienced divorce trauma and more.

Carol: Who would be an ideal client?

Karyn: Anyone who has a desire to overcome the past and to move forward in a determination to discover JOY! They must be willing to take an active role in pursuing JOY! (“You-gotta-wanna!”)

Carol: Karyn, will you share with us now, tips, some guidance, a few exercises or actions we can take to begin to relax, beyond what we may believe is relaxation so we can have some tools, as you did with your mom, to help us relax and find peace?

 Take a little break at least twice a day. Even a five minute shift from your normal activities can bring respite to your heart and mind.

Lean back in your chair and breathe in an essential oil.

Put on head phones and listen to a song that either soothes your heart or is upbeat, fun and lively. Listening to music while inhaling an essential oil can literally interrupt negative cyclical thought patterns! Sometimes all it takes for a shift in mood and mentality is a simple R & R Session with a “Song & Scent.”

I also invite you to go online and order “The Healer’s Touch” vocal cd or “The Healer’s Touch Musical Meditation CD 2.” Simply, get comfortable, breathe in a different essential oil for each one of the nine songs (or meditations) and let the process work through you. I will include the instructions on how to order the music and meditations for “self-nurturing” with music and aromatherapy at the end of this interview

carol a santella

Carol A Santella is a Credibility, Recognition and Trust Building Positioning Strategist and Consultant for Individuals and Business Owners. A Best Selling Author, Health Consultant, and Publisher, Carol is also a Radio Show Host for Business Innovators Radio, Host and Founder of Inside with Carol covering Innovators and Trendsetting Influencers in the Fields of Business, Health and Wellness, Medicine, Leadership and Animal Related Industries. Carol is also a Contributor to Business Innovators Magazine, Small Business Trendsetters and the Founder of the Health and Wellness Leaders and Influencers Group; The Entrepreneur Exchange and is world renowned for her Acknowledgment and Recognition Model of those who stand out above the rest and assisting them with The Power of Positioning TM. Carol is the founder and operator of The Listener Network which now encompasses her health, communications, publishing and business consulting work.