Marie Page of Idaho Changing Negative Environments into Joyous Harmony

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Carol: Is this a process of your work-such as a program or is changing one’s negative environment into a joyous life different for each person?

Marie: It is a joyous process for each person as things change in their thought process of things around them. While this may bring out negative things, you are provided motivation to feel the positive and turn the negative into positive by doing the various activities of journaling, no dominant handwriting, meditating, using essential oils and music.

Carol: Is that part of the work you do as a “Joy Coach”?

Marie: I use Christ centered music, oils, meditation and various activities for the person to use as they are moving in their journey. Allowing them to express themselves in a way that they may not have felt before.

Carol: Is this a long or difficult process?

Marie: This is an individual thing as each person has their own journey.

Carol: What are 3 points you absolutely want to be certain we cover here re: Changing Negative Environments Into Joyous Harmony?

1. You are loved by God no matter what your journey has been

2. You have the ability to love yourself and forgive yourself of your actions

3. You are a very valuable person in our world and are very much needed

Carol: Would you describe a day in the life of someone who would now be living a joyous life? What would they wake up feeling, doing… What would their self-talk be?

• Wake up feeling blessed that you were able to wake up and are going to have a wonderful day.
• Start your day with a happy heart no matter how you feel,
• Talk to yourself as you are preparing for the day of all of your plans with a smile on your face.
• Ask: What is it that God would have me do today that would be joyous and pleasing unto Him?
• Then look for things or actions that you can be doing in your activities of the day. Such as: is there a person you are walking past that could use a smile? Is there a small child that could use a wave? Pay for the next person in line for a drink, etc. look for the little things.

A smile and a heart full of love first thing in the morning is the best way to start your day.

Carol: What are 2-3 tips that the readers can utilize today to begin their Journey of Changing Negative Environments into Joyous Harmony?

1. Forgive others that have caused negativity in your life, remember that no one can offend you unless you allow them. You have control over your feelings.
2. Love yourself no matter what.
3. Look for the positive in people.

Carol: Thank you. I so agree.
What are some common misconceptions about Changing Negative Environments into Joyous Harmony?

Marie: That you don’t have any control over changing the past; that you allow the past to negatively control your feelings and actions because you feel this is all you are.

Carol: How do you personally live a harmonious life?

Marie: I ask our Heavenly Father in my morning prayers to bless me with the ability to do things that are pleasing unto him and to provide guidance to me to assist others in need. Allow me to see others through his eyes.

Carol: I’d like to discuss more specifically, at this time, the beautiful Joy Coaching® that you do.
What would someone’s life look like or be if they utilized Joy Coaching® to Change Negative Environments Into Joyous Harmony?

Marie: Remembering that everyone’s life is a journey, some are harder than others, however you have the ability to change your outlook on life and you deserve to be happy.

Meaning no matter what your current journey is, you have the ability to learn and make changes based on the knowledge that you have at the time, and that you will continue to gain knowledge. We don’t know everything at birth.

Carol: How did you learn of Joy Coaching® America?

Marie: I was participating with an essential oil team conference call and Karyn Lynn Grant, LMT was a guest speaker who spoke about her program.

Carol: How did you decide to become certified as a “Joy Coach” ?

Marie: After participating in the program, I felt that this needed to be available in the area that I lived because I felt that there were others that needed to be served.

Carol: How has Joy Coaching® America benefited your life personally and/or professionally?

Marie: This has provided me with the ability to see that people have personal struggles that have provided them with valuable experiences to bring to others. I also love hearing others talk about their journeys.

Carol: How do you feel the Joy Coaching® America program, as it focuses on reducing stress, through deep relaxation, accessing the 5 senses… could be beneficial in anyone’s life?

Marie: This program makes you aware of all 5 senses and gives you knowledge on how to use them. Through this knowledge, you are able to identify what you need personally, on your own, and it provides an individual the ability to continue this on their own to keep a balanced life.

Carol: Very nice. What is your specific niche?

Marie: Anyone dealing with a loss (loss of employment, loss of a loved one, loss of love of themselves).

carol a santella

Carol A Santella is a Credibility, Recognition and Trust Building Positioning Strategist and Consultant for Individuals and Business Owners. A Best Selling Author, Health Consultant, and Publisher, Carol is also a Radio Show Host for Business Innovators Radio, Host and Founder of Inside with Carol covering Innovators and Trendsetting Influencers in the Fields of Business, Health and Wellness, Medicine, Leadership and Animal Related Industries. Carol is also a Contributor to Business Innovators Magazine, Small Business Trendsetters and the Founder of the Health and Wellness Leaders and Influencers Group; The Entrepreneur Exchange and is world renowned for her Acknowledgment and Recognition Model of those who stand out above the rest and assisting them with The Power of Positioning TM. Carol is the founder and operator of The Listener Network which now encompasses her health, communications, publishing and business consulting work.