Online Marketing Strategist, Fred Gillen Shares The Power of Webinars.

We do all the tech stuff. That service is available. With the power of webinars, it’s available worldwide.

CS: That’s amazing. You help with the presentation all the way through to the follow up emails.

FG: Absolutely.

CS: That is fantastic.

FG: And every piece in between. If people don’t want us to do one portion then, because they’re comfortable doing it, then they can do that. Part of that process is that we can teach people how to do it. The service doesn’t necessarily need to be ongoing. We can educate people as part of that process, so they can learn how to do their own presentations.

CS: I think that’s fantastic. Excellent service.

FG: We think it is, so it’s a good service.

CS: Absolutely. Okay. I have a final question for you. Do you think there’s anything that we haven’t covered so far that you feel should have been mentioned?

FG: I just touched on it briefly about the auto responders, just a couple of moments ago. We didn’t cover that. I’ll just cover it briefly because I’m not sure how much time we’ve left. Briefly, an auto responder is where you set up automated emails as a package. When somebody signs up for the webinar, say a week or 10 days prior to the webinar’s scheduled event,
on a regular basis, they get reminders. They don’t just book the time and then forget about it. They might get a reminder five days out, then they’ll get a reminder two days out,
get a reminder 24 hours out and then a reminder an hour prior to. That’s what auto responders are all about. That again, really encourages people to attend the session. I didn’t cover that and I probably should’ve mentioned that earlier. It’s really necessary to keep people reminded that the session is on because people are busy; they put it in the calendar. Unless it pops up and they’ve got a reminder and are really looking forward to the webinar because they attended one previously and enjoyed your product and your offerings, then you need to keep them reminded that something’s coming up.

CS: I’m glad you brought that up. I’m sure that automation, anything that can be automated in today’s world, but still have a personal feel to it, is definitely welcome, that’s for sure.

Can you tell myself and our listeners what’s the best way to contact you for further information about your services or offerings, Fred?

FG: Yeah, sure. The easiest way is via email, especially if you’re in the US. It’s It’s, that’s the email address., obviously they can go to the website. The information about the webinar service that we offer is on our website called, that’s with the digit 4. It’s

I’m also on Skype, so it’s FredGillen on Skype. Facebook’s the same, just Google me. I’m all over the place and they’ll find me.

CS: That sounds excellent. You know what, I really like the name for your page too, webinars4business. That’s very, very good. It’s easy to remember and that’s what you do. I really like that.

FG: Yeah. Now it’s evolving, we’re changing the content probably weekly now, based on what our clients are looking for. That’s the whole thing about any marketing is you’ve got to listen to what your clients want and then evolve to deliver that. It’s not what you want to deliver, it’s what your clients want to receive. You’ve to remember to evolve as your clients tell you what
they need.

CS: Yes and it sounds very much that you’ve done that. I’m also happy that everything that you do is definitely accessible worldwide.

FG: Absolutely.

CS: I want to thank you very, very much for being here, and hopefully you’ll come back again and join us soon.

FG: Absolutely. I welcome the opportunity and really appreciate the platform to promote. It’s been great. I hope people have gotten some value out of today. If they’ve any questions, just reach out. I’m only an email away.

CS: Absolutely. Okay, and I believe you said it was morning over there. Have a good day!

FG: I will. I’m looking forward to lunch. Thanks.

CS: Okay. Take good care.

FG: Take care Carol. Cheers.

CS: Here’s to what makes everyone’s hearts happy and souls smile!

Fred’s Interview can be heard in its entirety at:

Fred Gillen – Online Marketing Strategist and Great Mentor Speaks on The Power of Webinars

carol a santella

Carol A Santella is a Credibility, Recognition and Trust Building Positioning Strategist and Consultant for Individuals and Business Owners. A Best Selling Author, Health Consultant, and Publisher, Carol is also a Radio Show Host for Business Innovators Radio, Host and Founder of Inside with Carol covering Innovators and Trendsetting Influencers in the Fields of Business, Health and Wellness, Medicine, Leadership and Animal Related Industries. Carol is also a Contributor to Business Innovators Magazine, Small Business Trendsetters and the Founder of the Health and Wellness Leaders and Influencers Group; The Entrepreneur Exchange and is world renowned for her Acknowledgment and Recognition Model of those who stand out above the rest and assisting them with The Power of Positioning TM. Carol is the founder and operator of The Listener Network which now encompasses her health, communications, publishing and business consulting work.