Carol: So, your ideal client?
Dorothy: My ideal client is a person who is wanting and willing to discover the reasons why they are stuck or grieving a loss. I work with women, men and children.
Carol: I’d like to talk about the Joy Coaching® training and its part of your work. You are a participant in the Special Edition of Business Innovators Magazine re: Deep Relaxation Therapists for Peace with focus also on Joy Coaching® America.
Can you delve just a bit more into specifically what Joy Coaching® America is?
Dorothy: Joy Coaching® America is a process that uses all five senses to help one connect to their emotions and/or “Higher Power.” In each module, we learn how to use The Healer’s Touch Method ™, Karyn Grant’s original inspirational songs, essential oils and blends, and inspiring stories (journals) from Karyn’s own struggles and her “down-loads” from heaven that helped her and in turn – can also help us.
Carol: How has Joy Coaching® benefitted and still does benefit you personally in overcoming what life can bring?
Dorothy: I met Karyn Lynn Grant, LMT and founder of Joy Coaching® America at the Mesa Energy Healing Conference in February 2017. I purchased some of her CD’s and started to listen to them. The more I listened to her music – more tears would surface and wash away bits of pain and depression. Karyn had a special gift of sharing her heart, music and tender emotions that helped me to cope with my own situation and inspired me to help others.
At that time, Karyn was traveling to Arizona about every 6 weeks, to work with “Joy Coaches” in Arizona, which was a true blessing in my life. While Karyn was in Arizona, she held classes for the “Joy Coaches” and did one on one sessions with each of us. As I listened and participated in the “live” classes and webinars, I discovered that while I listened to Karyn’s music and nurtured myself with essential oils, I was able to relax and release deep felt emotions.
During the Covid-19 Virus shutdown, I found myself alone 99% of the time and thought it would have been easy to slip back into deep depression, however, as I listened to Karyn’s music, the feelings of sorrow and loneliness were dispelled.
Carol: It sounds like a wonderful modality. You’ve incorporated Joy Coaching® into your varying therapies that combine or individually help one to release, relax and rejuvenate. Is that correct?
Dorothy: Yes, I do. My goal is to help clients regain peace, joy, and relaxation by using a variety of therapies. I am a Certified Regional “Joy Coach”, Certified Emotion Code practitioner, Certified Foot Zone practitioner, Symphony of the Cells and most recently, I am studying to be Certified in Ho’oponopono (an ancient Hawaiian system for forgiveness and healing).
Depending on the needs of the client, I will integrate the Emotion Code with Joy Coaching®. While The Emotion Code removes imbalances so the body can heal, The Healer’s Touch Method ™ (part of the Joy Coaching® ) fills that healing space with high vibration, happy emotions (through all 5 senses), raising the body up to a higher level and supporting the body through its healing journey. When I muscle test clients as to what percentage of healing is accomplished by incorporating both therapies, the answer was a startling 85%!! Of course, it depends on the individual client and each session is unique.
Foot Zone Therapy, similar to reflexology, addresses the physical, emotional, and mental parts of the body by using specific areas (nerves) on the feet called zones. While Foot Zoning does not claim to ‘heal’ any disease or problem, it does help the body return to its original blueprint or natural healthy state. I have found that my clients leave feeling less stressed, more relaxed, and often fall asleep during the session.
Carol: Have you found profound changes in your clients with your work?
Dorothy: In my practice, as a “Joy Coach” or a Relaxation Therapist, I offer emotional support to comfort a broken heart, release stress, grief, anxiety, and sadness by gently changing deep pressed emotions into Joy; by using the five senses to create a nurturing peaceful session that recreates positive memories and helps one to connect with their Divine Mission and purpose. Joy Coaching® will help one get rid of limiting negative emotional trash that does not serve them.
When I first started working with a young mother with three children, she had no confidence in herself, lots of anxiety, felt “hopelessly” alone because she had recently relocated to AZ, had anxiety about her children, and regarded herself as not being very important to her children or husband. During the sessions, we were able to identify and release major areas of anxiety and emotional baggage. Instead of being insecure, she became confident not only in herself, but also in her ability to parent her children effectively. She made commitments to make some healthy changes to her lifestyle and to nurture herself daily.
Another woman, after several months of Joy Coaching®, was able to gain confidence and make major steps in starting her own business. We were able to identify the emotions and insecurities from her childhood that kept her from achieving her lifelong goals.