Founder, Karyn Lynn Grant,LMT Discusses Joy Coaching®America’s Expansion and Its Inclusion of Deep Relaxation Therapy For a World in Need

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As many know, Karyn Lynn Grant, LMT founder of Joy Coaching®America, Worldwide and Academy, and I did a Year of Joy Series throughout 2019, wonderfully carried and published in the popular Business Innovators Magazine.

I have had the pleasure of collaborating with Karyn once again, as we embark on a Special Edition of Business Innovators Magazine, highlighting “Joy Coaches,” Joy Coaching® America’s Expansion with special emphasis on Deep Relaxation Therapy and Therapists for Peace.

In addition to a very heart felt and informative conversation with Karyn below, this Special Edition is Spotlighting 5 of Joy Coaching®America’s Regionally Certified “Joy Coaches”. Conversations ranging from: their Certifications, why they chose Joy Coaching® as a therapy and as a professional course of study, especially with its Faith Based approach, the introduction of each coaches’ own additional health business which incorporates Joy Coaching®, thus offering well rounded services to many throughout the world today.

Each article/interview offers educational, informative, inspiring and eye-opening conversations.

Please listen in as Karyn and I discuss Joy Coaching® America’s Expansion and Deep Relaxation for a World in Need. Karyn has also shared a very informative short video on Energizing Your Essential Oil as well as an Introduction to the “Healer’s Touch Method”. This introduction gives a pdf guide with 9 steps to incorporate into a nighttime nurturing technique as well as a link to 9 one minute music clips on the “Healers Touch” vocal cd. These can be found at the end of our conversation. 

Carol: Welcome Karyn once again. I’d love to start right off and address your continued success and then proceed from there as to why you created a faith-based program.

Karyn: I am so excited to announce that Joy Coaching® America is indeed expanding. So much has happened since 2001 when Joy Coaching® America started as my in-home business, The Cherishing Place™.

I am thrilled that we have “Joy Coaches” who are now prepared to spread the gift of deep relaxation for heart, mind, body and spirit through online sessions and whenever possible, “in-person” Deep Relaxation Therapy Sessions. These women each have a beautiful story with gifts of expertise of their own to share. They have worked diligently to prepare themselves via “Joy Coaching® Academy to become experts in working with those in need of greater rest and relaxation.

This is a non-denominational network of women who all embrace a Faith-Based Approach in our “Joy Coaching® sessions. We are not faith healers. We do, however, offer a more spiritualized way of nurturing and comforting those who have been wounded in life’s battles. Each one of the “Joy Coaches” have prepared themselves to teach The Joyful Living Series™ which promote healing hearts, homes and family. Surely, the time has come for such a work as this!

And now, through the gift of internet radio and my new podcasts, the theme of Joy Coaching® will now be spreading across America and beyond to those who are seeking greater peace, love and joy in their emotional, mental and spiritual lives!

Carol: Congratulations on such wonderful success Karyn.
Would you delve a bit further into how Joy Coaching®, Joy Coaching® Academy and “Joy Coaches” came to be?

Karyn: As I continued seeing clients in my home back in 2001, I developed the “Joy Coaching® System” which includes twenty modules. My clients also began spreading the word! Quite honestly, as people experienced my personalized method, The Healer’s Touch™ (Relaxation Therapy with Song & Scent), they began asking me to make this a “duplicatable system” so that they could offer sessions in their respective states, to their own families, clients and communities. Hence, Joy Coaching® came to be.

Carol: And Joy Coaching® Academy? What inspired you or what events led up to Joy Coaching® Academy?

Karyn: As (primarily) women (and a few men) began to enroll, it became apparent that there was a natural evolution into what I later termed as Joy Coaching® Academy. It’s an online educational system with a platform for “Faith-Based-Relaxation Therapy” at its core and Grief Coaching as it’s underlying essence. This work is wonderful for the broken hearted!

Carol: Let’s continue with your “why” and your purpose as to what you do and offer via Joy Coaching® America and Joy Coaching® Academy.

Karyn: My why. I wanted a system that flowed from experiencing broken-heartedness (after any kind of grief) to renewing one’s passion for their own purpose, calling and mission. It’s not enough just to comfort the grieving. I believe we must assist them in renewing their passion for life!
My purpose is to assist those whose hearts are breaking or broken and bring them the assurance that that there is hope for healing a broken life and a broken heart.

Carol: Why Did you Create a Faith-Based Program?

Karyn: Shortly after graduating from Massage School, in 2001,
I began receiving all kinds of advertisements in the mail for weekend programs for those with an interest in Massage Therapy and other types of Bodywork.

carol a santella

Carol A Santella is a Credibility, Recognition and Trust Building Positioning Strategist and Consultant for Individuals and Business Owners. A Best Selling Author, Health Consultant, and Publisher, Carol is also a Radio Show Host for Business Innovators Radio, Host and Founder of Inside with Carol covering Innovators and Trendsetting Influencers in the Fields of Business, Health and Wellness, Medicine, Leadership and Animal Related Industries. Carol is also a Contributor to Business Innovators Magazine, Small Business Trendsetters and the Founder of the Health and Wellness Leaders and Influencers Group; The Entrepreneur Exchange and is world renowned for her Acknowledgment and Recognition Model of those who stand out above the rest and assisting them with The Power of Positioning TM. Carol is the founder and operator of The Listener Network which now encompasses her health, communications, publishing and business consulting work.