Founder, Karyn Lynn Grant,LMT Discusses Joy Coaching®America’s Expansion and Its Inclusion of Deep Relaxation Therapy For a World in Need

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Recently, I was asked in another interview, “Do you consider yourself an ‘Energy Healer’? My answer was this; “Each person has a divine physician within themselves that will conduct all the corrections that need to be made. No one, outside of yourself has the power to change you from the inside-out. Each one of us has “Gotta-Wanna-Heal” when it comes to having an emotional-mental-spiritual-physical upsurge in vitality, health and well-being. We cannot rely on someone else to heal us. I believe I am a “Joy Coach” and as a “Joy Coach”, I seek to be inspired as to how to bring hope to those who are seeking to be healed through their own willingness to do so. I don’t heal anyone. I simply provide the encouragement and offer support through love, empathy and compassion for those whose hidden wounds so often go unnoticed by the rest of the world. In other words, “You are your own Energy Healer!”

Carol: Anything else you’d like to share re: Joy Coaching®, Joy Coaching® America and/or Joy Coaching® Academy?

Karyn: We are always looking for those who discover that they have a special kindred love and altruism for humanity. This is the greatest talent which binds us together as “Joy Coaches”. Though we come from all walks of life, all diverse religious backgrounds, we are a non-denominational, faith-based group that believes that “He is the Healer; We are His Instruments.” We would love to consider working with others who share that same core belief in common, as it is the unifying factor in our relationships with each other and with our clients.

Carol: This was so enlightening, inspirational and educational Karyn. I believe that our readers have gained insights and direction to assist them. Thank you so much and I wish you and the “Joy Coaches” continued success!

See and hear Karyn as she shares with you about Energizing Your Essential Oil. It’s really very good and quite informative.   

Also, Karyn’s “Healers Touch” pdf introduction guide to the “Healer’s Touch” Method and Night time Nurturing Technique as well as 9 one minute music clips from the “Healers Touch” CD.

Carol: What is the best way for you to be contacted Karyn?
(801) 427 1047

For Access to Karyn’s music:
Apple users can now purchase Karyn’s music by logging onto iTunes and searching “Karyn Lynn Grant” in the search bar, or by following the link below.

Android users can now purchase Karyn’s music by following the Google Play Music link, or searching “Karyn Lynn Grant” in the search bar.

carol a santella

Carol A Santella is a Credibility, Recognition and Trust Building Positioning Strategist and Consultant for Individuals and Business Owners. A Best Selling Author, Health Consultant, and Publisher, Carol is also a Radio Show Host for Business Innovators Radio, Host and Founder of Inside with Carol covering Innovators and Trendsetting Influencers in the Fields of Business, Health and Wellness, Medicine, Leadership and Animal Related Industries. Carol is also a Contributor to Business Innovators Magazine, Small Business Trendsetters and the Founder of the Health and Wellness Leaders and Influencers Group; The Entrepreneur Exchange and is world renowned for her Acknowledgment and Recognition Model of those who stand out above the rest and assisting them with The Power of Positioning TM. Carol is the founder and operator of The Listener Network which now encompasses her health, communications, publishing and business consulting work.