Doesn’t mean they’re perfect. Doesn’t mean they’re perfectly balanced. Doesn’t mean that your whole life is working perfectly at all times.
All it means is every single day you’re working to improve what you have. If you come up with a strategy that scatters your ability throughout the major points of your life, and when I say major points, I mean major foundational points of life.
Your house. Your emotions. Your family life. Your personal intimate relationship, if you have one. Your professional life. What you call work or your business. Your finances. Your spiritual life. The major, major categories of life. The big important stuff.
If you come up with one or two actions you can take each and every day to make a little bit of progress in each one of those major categories of life, you’ll always be growing as a human being. And you’ll always be making progress.
And all the studies show, all the science shows that progress is what causes people to feel happy. Progress is what causes people to feel alive. So to start with, you’re right. When you work on one thing, something else is going to slide a little. When you work on the other thing, it’s going to slide a little.
Instead of freaking out that it’s sliding, know that it’s absolutely and totally natural. It’s normal. That’s how it happens.
Now, once you have that, drop trying to make this perfectly balanced wheel of life with this perfectly organized balanced work-life balance. Now focus on just improving constantly.
What’s funny is when you let go of trying to make it perfectly balanced and you just focus on constantly improving it, what ends up happening is it balances out pretty well. It’s one of those weird concepts of life.
When you stop trying to make it perfect and you just start progressing and making progress, progress over perfection, all of a sudden, it starts to become pretty freaking perfect, without even thinking about it.
Jack: Don’t try so hard. That’s the message that I get, starting from even the ideal day. What can you do to make it? Not do everything that is required to make that your ideal day, but let’s do something to add to making it towards your ideal day.
Jairek: Even once you paint this perfect picture of your ideal day, instead of trying to make the entire day perfect tomorrow, just say, hey. What’s one thing I can do in my health that would move me closer to how I was in that vision? What’s one thing I can do today in my emotion that would make me feel more like I felt in that vision?
What’s one thing I can do in my professional life that would move me even closer to what I was doing in my ideal day vision?
And you see the pattern here, where it’s one thing every day. And that habitual pattern and ritual you start to create is what creates the rapid results you’re looking for. It’s what creates the momentum that moves you so quickly to turning that day into reality.
But most people think it’s going to be this huge massive shift. One day and one moment it happens. In actuality, it’s the little consistent things stacked on top of each other that build this massive foundation for your life.
Jack: Well, when you talk about one thing, what’s the one thing? I think it’s very important. I want you to kind of give an overview of this. Because you talk about there are major things and there are minor things.
And they’re not all positive. They’re not all things you should do. There are also things that you should not be doing, right?
So talk about that concept about when you talk about the majors and the minors.
Jairek: Absolutely. I learned this from a very, very old mentor of mine who’s passed away now. But there was a gentleman who was huge in the personal development arena. Jim Rohn. He said most people major in minor things.
Meaning most people invest so much of their time, so much of their energy, so much of their thought process in the things that really don’t matter. And nowadays, if you want to look closely at what those things are, and I’ll be very careful, because I don’t want to offend anybody out there who’s in any of these industries, but what level you are in World of Warcraft is seriously not going to affect your health over the next three to five years of your life.
But if you have a child or a young adult, or if you are an adult who plays this, if someone ever unplugs your game console or your computer and it deletes what level you were on, you want to see how people react crazy? What a fifteen year old, or even a forty year old – if you unplug their game console and you knocked them back five levels in World of Warcraft, you will see someone go emotionally berserk.
Why? Because they’re so emotionally invested in this thing called a video game that doesn’t exist. That literally, it feels like you’ve stolen something out of their identity of who they are as a human being, when you mess it up.
And it’s fascinating, the psychological attachment people have nowadays to stuff like this, that in the long run, I know it’s meaningful. I know it takes a lot of effort and a lot of energy and a lot of attention to get yourself there, and I appreciate all the effect and attention and focus.